Washington, D.C.  20549

                            FORM 10-Q

[X]Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the Quarterly Period Ended September 30, 2005.

[ ]Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the Transition Period From         to        .

Commission file number 1-8400.

                        AMR Corporation
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        Delaware                            75-1825172
    (State or other                      (I.R.S. Employer
      jurisdiction                      Identification No.)
   of incorporation or

 4333 Amon Carter Blvd.
   Fort Worth, Texas                           76155
 (Address of principal                      (Zip Code)
   executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number,
including area code              (817) 963-1234

                         Not Applicable
(Former name, former address and former fiscal year , if changed
                       since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months
(or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to
file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No         .

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated
filer (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
Yes   X    No         .

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company
(as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes      No  X .

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the
issuer's classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable

Common Stock, $1 par value - 165,067,635 shares as of October
14, 2005.


                            AMR CORPORATION


Item 1.  Financial Statements

  Consolidated  Statements of Operations --  Three  and  nine  months
  ended September 30, 2005 and 2004

  Condensed  Consolidated Balance Sheets -- September  30,  2005  and
  December 31, 2004

  Condensed  Consolidated Statements of Cash  Flows  --  Nine  months
  ended September 30, 2005 and 2004

  Notes  to  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements -- September
  30, 2005

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

Item 4.  Controls and Procedures


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

Item 6.  Exhibits


                    PART I:  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

(Unaudited) (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                    Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                      September 30,           September 30,
                                     2005      2004          2005       2004
   Passenger - American Airlines   $4,428    $3,838       $12,534    $11,411
             - Regional Affiliates    570       488         1,582      1,413
   Cargo                              152       149           460        452
   Other revenues                     335       287           968        828
      Total operating revenues      5,485     4,762        15,544     14,104

   Wages, salaries and benefits     1,664     1,696         4,979      5,039
   Aircraft fuel                    1,582     1,056         4,030      2,781
   Other rentals and landing fees     337       295           956        901
   Depreciation and amortization      292       317           868        963
   Commissions, booking fees and
      credit card expense             292       288           849        863
   Maintenance, materials and
      repairs                         269       265           761        741
   Aircraft rentals                   148       152           443        458
   Food service                       136       145           388        421
   Other operating expenses           726       593         1,979      1,775
   Special charges (credits)            -       (18)            -        (49)
      Total operating expenses      5,446     4,789        15,253     13,893

Operating Income (Loss)                39       (27)          291        211

Other Income (Expense)
   Interest income                     40        19           104         47
   Interest expense                  (240)     (219)         (697)      (648)
   Interest capitalized                12        22            59         60
   Miscellaneous - net                 (4)       (9)          (14)       (44)
                                     (192)     (187)         (548)      (585)

Loss Before Income Taxes             (153)     (214)         (257)      (374)
Income tax                              -         -             -          -
Net Loss                            $(153)    $(214)        $(257)     $(374)

Basic and Diluted Loss Per Share   $(0.93)   $(1.33)       $(1.58)    $(2.33)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


(Unaudited) (In millions)

                                               September, 30   December, 31
                                                     2005          2004
Current Assets
  Cash                                           $    127       $   120
  Short-term investments                            3,285         2,809
  Restricted cash and short-term investments          499           478
  Receivables, net                                  1,111           836
  Inventories, net                                    540           488
  Other current assets                                425           240
    Total current assets                            5,987         4,971

Equipment and Property
  Flight equipment, net                            15,111        15,292
  Other equipment and property, net                 2,464         2,426
  Purchase deposits for flight equipment              278           319
                                                   17,853        18,037

Equipment and Property Under Capital Leases
  Flight equipment, net                               967         1,016
  Other equipment and property, net                    91            84
                                                    1,058         1,100

Route acquisition costs and airport operating
  and gate lease rights, net                        1,202         1,223
Other assets                                        3,336         3,442
                                                 $ 29,436       $28,773

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
Current Liabilities
  Accounts payable                               $  1,101       $ 1,003
  Accrued liabilities                               1,957         2,026
  Air traffic liability                             3,851         3,183
  Current maturities of long-term debt                790           659
  Current obligations under capital leases            170           147
    Total current liabilities                       7,869         7,018

Long-term debt, less current maturities            12,292        12,436
Obligations under capital leases, less
  current obligations                                 939         1,088
Pension and postretirement benefits                 4,799         4,743
Other liabilities, deferred gains and
  deferred credits                                  4,266         4,069

Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
  Preferred stock                                       -             -
  Common stock                                        182           182
  Additional paid-in capital                        2,314         2,521
  Treasury stock                                   (1,081)       (1,308)
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss               (575)         (664)
  Accumulated deficit                              (1,569)       (1,312)
                                                     (729)         (581)
                                                 $ 29,436       $28,773

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


(Unaudited) (In millions)

                                                   Nine Months Ended
                                                      September 30,
                                                   2005         2004

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities        $1,032     $    803

Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
  Capital expenditures, including purchase
    deposits for flight equipment                 (586)         (773)
  Net increase in short-term investments          (476)         (532)
  Net (increase) decrease in restricted cash
    and short-term investments                     (21)           46
  Proceeds from sale of equipment and property      25            59
  Other                                              -           (12)
     Net cash used by investing activities      (1,058)       (1,212)

Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
  Payments on long-term debt and capital
    lease obligations                             (881)         (575)
  Proceeds from:
    Issuance of long-term debt                     697           975
    Exercise of stock options                       19             6
    DFW Bond Remarketing                           198             -
      Net cash provided by financing activities     33           406

Net increase (decrease) in cash                      7            (3)
Cash at beginning of period                        120           120

Cash at end of period                           $  127      $    117

Activities Not Affecting Cash

Flight equipment acquired through seller
  financing                                     $    -       $    18

Capital lease obligations incurred              $   13       $    10

The  accompanying notes are an integral part of these  financial statements.



1.The   accompanying   unaudited   condensed   consolidated  financial
  statements have been prepared in accordance with generally  accepted
  accounting principles for interim financial information and with the
  instructions  to  Form  10-Q  and  Article  10  of  Regulation  S-X.
  Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes
  required  by  generally accepted accounting principles for  complete
  financial  statements. In the opinion of management, these financial
  statements  contain all adjustments, consisting of normal  recurring
  accruals, necessary to present fairly the financial position, results
  of  operations and cash flows for the periods indicated. Results  of
  operations  for  the  periods presented herein are  not  necessarily
  indicative  of  results  of operations for  the  entire  year.   The
  condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts  of
  AMR   Corporation  (AMR  or  the  Company)  and  its  wholly   owned
  subsidiaries,  including  (i)  its  principal  subsidiary   American
  Airlines,  Inc. (American) and (ii) its regional airline subsidiary,
  AMR Eagle Holding Corporation and its primary subsidiaries, American
  Eagle  Airlines,  Inc., Executive Airlines,  Inc.  and  AMR  Leasing
  Corporation (collectively, AMR Eagle). For further information, refer
  to  the  consolidated  financial statements  and  footnotes  thereto
  included  in the AMR Annual Report on Form 10-K for the  year  ended
  December 31, 2004 (2004 Form 10-K).

2.The  Company  accounts  for its stock-based  compensation  plans  in
  accordance  with  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion   No.   25,
  "Accounting  for  Stock Issued to Employees" (APB  25)  and  related
  Interpretations.    Under  APB  25,  no  compensation   expense   is
  recognized  for  stock option grants if the exercise  price  of  the
  Company's  stock option grants is at or above the fair market  value
  of  the  underlying  stock on the date of grant.   The  Company  has
  adopted  the pro forma disclosure features of Statement of Financial
  Accounting   Standards   No.   123,  "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
  Compensation"  (SFAS  123),  as amended by  Statement  of  Financial
  Accounting   Standards   No.   148,  "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
  Compensation-Transition  and  Disclosure."   The   following   table
  illustrates  the  effect on net loss and loss per share  amounts  if
  the  Company  had applied the fair value recognition  provisions  of
  SFAS  123 to stock-based employee compensation (in millions,  except
  per share amounts):

                                  Three Months        Nine Months
                                     Ended               Ended
                                 September 30,       September 30,
                                 2005      2004      2005      2004
  Net loss, as reported         $(153)    $(214)    $(257)    $(374)
  Add (Deduct):  Stock-based
    employee compensation
    expense included in
    reported net loss               8       (7)        26        10
  Deduct:  Total stock-based
    employee compensation
    expense determined under
    fair value based methods
    for all awards                (22)       (9)      (70)      (59)
    Pro forma net loss          $(167)    $(230)    $(301)    $(423)

  Loss per share:
  Basic and diluted-as
    reported                   $(0.93)   $(1.33)   $(1.58)   $(2.33)
  Basic and diluted-pro forma  $(1.02)   $(1.43)   $(1.85)   $(2.64)



  In  December  2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board  issued
  Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (revised  2004),
  "Share-Based  Payment"  (SFAS 123(R)).   SFAS  123(R)  requires  all
  share-based  payments  to employees, including  grants  of  employee
  stock  options,  to be recognized in the financial statements  based
  on  their fair values. SFAS 123(R) is effective January 1, 2006  for
  AMR.   Under  SFAS  123(R), the Company will recognize  compensation
  expense for the portion of outstanding awards for which service  has
  not  yet been rendered, based on the grant-date fair value of  those
  awards  calculated  under SFAS 123 for pro forma  disclosures.   The
  Company  expects  that the impact of adoption on its  first  quarter
  2006  results  will  be  similar to the  amounts  disclosed  in  the
  quarterly   pro  forma  information  in  this  footnote.    However,
  subsequent  to  the first quarter of 2006, the impact will  decrease
  significantly  due  to  the  vesting  period  ending  for  the  2003
  Employee Stock Incentive Plan.

3.As  of  September 30, 2005, the Company had commitments  to  acquire
  two  Boeing  777-200ERs in 2006 and an aggregate of 47  Boeing  737-
  800s  and  seven  Boeing  777-200ERs in 2013  through  2016.  Future
  payments  for  all  aircraft, including the  estimated  amounts  for
  price  escalation,  will approximate $102 million  in  2006  and  an
  aggregate  of approximately $2.8 billion in 2011 through  2016.  The
  Company  has  pre-arranged financing for all aircraft deliveries  in

  In  2003, the Company reached concessionary agreements with  certain
  lessors.   Certain  of these agreements provide that  the  Company's
  obligations  under the related leases will revert  to  the  original
  terms   if  certain  events  occur  prior  to  December  31,   2005,
  including:   (i) an event of default under the related lease  (which
  generally  occurs only if a payment default occurs); (ii)  an  event
  of  loss  with  respect to the related aircraft; (iii) rejection  by
  the  Company of the lease under the provisions of Chapter 11 of  the
  U.S.  Bankruptcy Code; or (iv) the Company's filing  for  bankruptcy
  under  Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.  If any one  of  these
  events  were  to  occur,  the  Company  would  be  responsible   for
  approximately  $115 million in additional operating  lease  payments
  and  $106  million in additional payments related to capital  leases
  as  of September 30, 2005.  These amounts are being accounted for as
  contingent  rentals  and  will only be  recognized  if  they  become
  payable.   Conversely, as part of the concessionary agreements,  the
  Company  will  recognize a gain of $37 million  related  to  a  debt
  restructuring if none of the events described above occur  prior  to
  December 31, 2005.

4.Accumulated   depreciation  of  owned  equipment  and   property  at
  September 30, 2005 and December 31, 2004 was $10.2 billion and  $9.6
  billion,  respectively.  Accumulated amortization of  equipment  and
  property under capital leases at September 30, 2005 and December 31,
  2004 was $1.0 billion.

  Effective  January 1, 2005, in order to more accurately reflect  the
  expected  useful  life  of  its aircraft, the  Company  changed  its
  estimate of the depreciable lives of its Boeing 737-800, Boeing 757-
  200 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80 aircraft from 25 to 30 years.  As  a
  result  of  this change, Depreciation and amortization  expense  was
  reduced  by approximately $27 million and $81 million, respectively,
  for   the   three  and  nine  months  ended  September   30,   2005.
  Additionally, the per share net loss for the three and  nine  months
  ended  September  30,  2005 decreased $0.16  and  $0.50  per  share,

5.As  discussed  in  Note  8  to the consolidated financial statements
  in the 2004 Form 10-K, the Company has a valuation allowance against
  the full amount of its net deferred tax asset. The Company's deferred
  tax asset valuation allowance increased $127 million during the nine
  months ended September 30, 2005 to $960 million as of September  30,
  2005.  As a result of historical and current losses, the Company did
  not provide for a net tax benefit associated with its loss in the nine
  month period ended September 30, 2005.



6.In  July  2005,  American completed the re-marketing of $198 million
  of DFW-FIC Series 2000A Unsecured Revenue Refunding Bonds that mature
  May 1, 2029.  Certain municipalities originally issued these special
  facility revenue bonds primarily to improve airport facilities  that
  are  leased by American and accounted for as operating leases.  They
  were acquired by American in 2003 under a mandatory tender provision.
  Thus,  American received the proceeds from the remarketing  in  July
  which results in an increase to Other liabilities, deferred gains and
  deferred credits where the tendered bonds had been classified pending
  their use to offset certain future operating lease obligations.

  In  September  2005, American sold and leased back 89 spare  engines
  with  a  book  value of $105 million to a variable  interest  entity
  (VIE).   The  net  proceeds received from third  parties  were  $133
  million.   American  is considered the primary  beneficiary  of  the
  activities  of  the  VIE as American has substantially  all  of  the
  residual  value  risk  associated with the  transaction.   As  such,
  American  is  required  to  consolidate the  VIE  in  its  financial
  statements.   At September 30, 2005, the book value of  the  engines
  was  included in Flight equipment, net on the condensed consolidated
  balance sheet.  The engines serve as collateral for the VIE's  long-
  term  debt  of  $133 million at September 30, 2005, which  has  also
  been included in the condensed consolidated balance sheet.  The  VIE
  has no other significant operations.

  Also  in September 2005, American purchased certain obligations  due
  October 2006 with a face value of $261 million at par value from  an
  institutional investor.  In conjunction with the purchase,  American
  borrowed  an  additional  $245 million under  an  existing  mortgage
  agreement  with  a  final maturity in December 2012  from  the  same
  investor.   The  interest  rate on the  mortgage  agreement  remains
  substantially   unchanged.   The  additional   borrowings   required
  American  to grant a security interest in certain spare engines  and
  related  collateral.   The  transaction  was  accounted  for  as   a
  modification of the original debt under Emerging Issues  Task  Force
  Issue  96-19 "Debtor's Accounting for a Modification or Exchange  of
  Debt  Instruments".  As a result of this transaction, the  Company's
  2006  maturities  of long-term debt decreased from $1.3  billion  to
  $1.1 billion.

  During  the  nine month period ended September 30, 2005,  AMR  Eagle
  borrowed  approximately  $319  million  (net  of  discount),   under
  various  debt  agreements related to the purchase  of  regional  jet
  aircraft.   These  debt  agreements  are  secured  by  the   related
  aircraft,  have  an  effective interest rate  of  5.0  percent,  are
  guaranteed  by AMR and mature over various periods of  time  through

  As  of  September  30,  2005,  AMR had  issued  guarantees  covering
  approximately  $928 million of American's tax-exempt bond  debt  and
  American's  fully drawn $803 million credit facility.  American  had
  issued  guarantees  covering approximately  $1.3  billion  of  AMR's
  unsecured  debt.   In addition, as of September 30,  2005,  AMR  and
  American  had issued guarantees covering approximately $428  million
  of  AMR  Eagle's secured debt and AMR had issued guarantees covering
  an additional $2.8 billion of AMR Eagle's secured debt.



7.The  following  tables  provide  the  components   of  net  periodic
  benefit cost for the three and nine months ended September 30,  2005
  and 2004 (in millions):

                                         Pension Benefits
                                 Three Months      Nine Months Ended
                                    Ended            September 30,
                                September 30,
                               2005       2004      2005       2004

  Components of net periodic
   benefit cost

   Service cost               $  93     $   89      $  278     $  268
   Interest cost                152        142         457        425
   Expected return on assets   (164)      (143)       (493)      (427)
   Amortization of:
     Prior service cost           4          4          12         11
     Unrecognized net loss       13         15          39         44

   Net periodic benefit cost  $  98     $  107      $  293     $  321

                                   Other Postretirement Benefits
                                 Three Months      Nine Months Ended
                                    Ended            September 30,
                                September 30,
                               2005       2004      2005       2004

  Components of net periodic
   benefit cost

   Service cost               $  19     $   19      $   56     $   57
   Interest cost                 49         51         148        152
   Expected return on assets     (3)        (3)        (10)        (9)
   Amortization of:
     Prior service cost          (2)        (3)         (7)        (8)
     Unrecognized net loss        -          2           1          6

   Net periodic benefit cost  $  63     $   66      $  188     $  198

  The  Company contributed $288 million to its defined benefit pension
  plans  during  the nine month period ended September 30,  2005,  and
  completed  its  required 2005 calendar year funding by  contributing
  an additional $22 million on October 14, 2005.



8.As  a  result  of  the  events  of September 11, 2001, the depressed
  revenue environment, high fuel prices and the Company's restructuring
  activities,  the  Company has recorded a number of  special  charges
  during the last few years.  The following table summarizes the changes
  since  December  31,  2004 in the accruals  for  these  charges  (in

                      Aircraft   Facility    Employee    Total
                      Charges    Exit Costs  Charges
      accrual at
      December 31,
      2004            $  129     $   26      $  36       $191
      Payments           (13)        (5)       (34)       (52)
      accrual at
      September 30,
      2005            $  116     $   21      $   2       $139

  Cash  outlays related to these accruals, as of September  30,  2005,
  for  aircraft charges, facility exit costs and employee charges will
  occur through 2014, 2018 and the end of 2005, respectively.

9.The  Company  includes  changes  in  the   fair   value  of  certain
  derivative  financial instruments that qualify for hedge  accounting
  (primarily crude oil derivative contracts), changes in minimum pension
  liabilities  and  unrealized gains and losses on  available-for-sale
  securities in comprehensive loss. For the three months ended September
  30,  2005  and  2004, comprehensive loss was $121 million  and  $194
  million,  respectively, and for the nine months ended September  30,
  2005  and  2004,  comprehensive loss  was  $168  and  $371  million,
  respectively. The difference between net loss and comprehensive loss
  for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2005 and 2004 is due
  primarily  to the accounting for the Company's derivative  financial

  Ineffectiveness  is  inherent in hedging jet  fuel  with  derivative
  positions   based   in  crude  oil  or  other  crude   oil   related
  commodities.   As  required  by Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
  Standard  No.  133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments   and
  Hedging Activities", the Company assesses, both at the inception  of
  each  hedge  and on an on-going basis, whether the derivatives  that
  are  used  in  its  hedging  transactions are  highly  effective  in
  offsetting  changes in cash flows of the hedged items.  The  Company
  discontinues hedge accounting prospectively if it determines that  a
  derivative is no longer expected to be highly effective as  a  hedge
  or  if  it  decides to discontinue the hedging relationship.   As  a
  result  of  its  quarterly  effectiveness  assessment,  the  Company
  determined   that  all  of  its  derivatives  settling  during   the
  remainder  of 2005 and certain of its derivatives settling  in  2006
  are  no longer expected to be highly effective in offsetting changes
  in  forecasted  jet  fuel  purchases.  As  a  result,  effective  on
  October  1, 2005, all subsequent changes in the fair value of  those
  particular  hedge contracts will be recognized directly in  earnings
  rather than being deferred in Accumulated other comprehensive  loss.
  Hedge accounting will continue to be applied to derivatives used  to
  hedge  forecasted  jet fuel purchases that are  expected  to  remain
  highly effective.



10.The  following table sets forth the computations of basic  and
   diluted loss per share (in millions, except per share data):

                                       Three Months         Nine Months
                                           Ended               Ended
                                       September 30,       September 30,
                                      2005      2004      2005      2004
   Net loss - numerator for basic
     and diluted loss per share      $(153)    $(214)    $(257)    $(374)

   Denominator for basic and diluted
     loss per share - weighted-
     average shares                    164       161       163       160

   Basic and diluted loss per share  $(0.93)   $(1.33)   $(1.58)   $(2.33)

For  the  three  month and nine month periods ended  September  30,
2005  and  2004,  approximately  82 million  shares  issuable  upon
conversion  of  the  Company's  convertible  notes  or  related  to
employee  stock options and deferred stock were not  added  to  the
denominator  because inclusion of such shares would be antidilutive
or  because  the  options' exercise prices were  greater  than  the
average market price of the common shares.


Item  2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations

Forward-Looking Information

Statements  in this report contain various forward-looking  statements
within  the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of  1933,  as
amended,  and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of  1934,  as
amended,  which  represent  the  Company's  expectations  or   beliefs
concerning future events.  When used in this document and in documents
incorporated  herein  by  reference,  the  words  "expects,"  "plans,"
"anticipates,"   "indicates,"  "believes,"   "forecast,"   "guidance,"
"outlook"  and  similar expressions are intended to identify  forward-
looking   statements.  Forward-looking  statements  include,   without
limitation,  the  Company's  expectations  concerning  operations  and
financial  conditions,  including changes in  capacity,  revenues  and
costs,  future financing plans and needs, overall economic conditions,
plans  and  objectives for future operations, and the  impact  on  the
Company  of  its  results  of  operations  in  recent  years  and  the
sufficiency  of its financial resources to absorb that  impact.  Other
forward-looking  statements include statements  which  do  not  relate
solely  to  historical facts, such as, without limitation,  statements
which  discuss the possible future effects of current known trends  or
uncertainties  or  which  indicate that the future  effects  of  known
trends  or  uncertainties cannot be predicted, guaranteed or  assured.
All   forward-looking  statements  in  this  report  are  based   upon
information  available to the Company on the date of this report.  The
Company  undertakes  no obligation to publicly update  or  revise  any
forward-looking  statement, whether as a result  of  new  information,
future events, or otherwise.

Forward-looking  statements are subject to a number  of  factors  that
could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from the
Company's  expectations. The following factors, in addition  to  other
possible factors not listed, could cause the Company's actual  results
to   differ   materially  from  those  expressed  in   forward-looking
statements:  changes  in economic, business and financial  conditions;
the Company's substantial indebtedness; continued high fuel prices and
the  availability of fuel; further increases in the price of fuel; the
impact  of  events in Iraq; conflicts in the Middle East or elsewhere;
the  highly  competitive business environment faced  by  the  Company,
characterized by increasing pricing transparency and competition  from
low  cost  carriers and financially distressed carriers;  historically
low  fare  levels and fare simplification initiatives (both  of  which
could  result  in a further deterioration of the revenue environment);
the  ability  of  the  Company to reduce  its  costs  further  without
adversely  affecting  operational  performance  and  service   levels;
uncertainties with respect to the Company's international  operations;
changes in the Company's business strategy; actions by U.S. or foreign
government  agencies; the possible occurrence of additional  terrorist
attacks;  another  outbreak of a disease (such as SARS)  that  affects
travel   behavior;  uncertainties  with  respect  to   the   Company's
relationships  with  unionized and other  employee  work  groups;  the
inability  of  the  Company  to satisfy existing  financial  or  other
covenants  in  certain of its credit agreements; the availability  and
terms  of  future  financing; the ability  of  the  Company  to  reach
acceptable  agreements  with third parties;  and  increased  insurance
costs  and  potential  reductions  of  available  insurance  coverage.
Additional information concerning these and other factors is contained
in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including
but not limited to the 2004 Form 10-K.


The  Company incurred a $153 million net loss during the third quarter
of 2005 compared to a net loss of $214 million in the same period last
year.  The Company's third quarter 2005 results were impacted  by  the
continuing increase in fuel prices and certain other costs, offset  by
an  improvement  in revenues, a $27 million decrease  in  depreciation
expense  related  to  a  change in the depreciable  lives  of  certain
aircraft  types  described  in Note 4 to  the  condensed  consolidated
financial  statements, and productivity improvements  and  other  cost
reductions  resulting  from progress under the Turnaround  Plan.   The
Company's  third  quarter 2005 results were also impacted  by  an  $80
million  charge for the termination of a contract and  a  $22  million
credit for the reversal of an insurance reserve.

Fuel  price  increases resulted in a year-over-year increase  of  62.6
cents per gallon for the third quarter. This price increase negatively
impacted fuel expense by $525 million during the quarter based on fuel
consumption  of  839 million gallons.  Continuing  high  fuel  prices,
additional increases in the price of fuel, and/or disruptions  in  the
supply  of fuel would further adversely affect the Company's financial
condition and its results of operations.


Mainline passenger unit revenues increased 12.6 percent for the  third
quarter  due  to a 3.3 point load factor increase and an  8.0  percent
increase  in  passenger yield (passenger revenue per  passenger  mile)
compared  to the same period in 2004. Although load factor performance
and  yield  showed  significant year-over-year improvement,  passenger
yield remains depressed by historical standards.  The Company believes
this depressed passenger yield is due in large part to a corresponding
decline  in the Company's pricing power. The Company's reduced pricing
power  is  the  product  of several factors, including:  greater  cost
sensitivity   on   the   part  of  travelers  (particularly   business
travelers);  pricing  transparency  resulting  from  the  use  of  the
internet; greater competition from low-cost carriers and from carriers
that  have  recently reorganized or are reorganizing, including  under
the  protection  of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code; other  carriers
that  are  well  hedged against rising fuel costs and able  to  better
absorb  the  current  high jet fuel prices; and, more  recently,  fare
simplification efforts by certain carriers. The Company believes  that
its  reduced  pricing  power  will persist indefinitely  and  possibly

The Company's ability to become profitable and its ability to continue
to fund its obligations on an ongoing basis will depend on a number of
factors, some of which are largely beyond the Company's control.  Some
of  the  risk factors that affect the Company's business and financial
results are referred to under "Forward-Looking Information" above  and
are discussed in the Risk Factors listed in Item 7 (on pages 35-38) in
the  2004  Form  10-K. As the Company seeks to improve  its  financial
condition,  it  must  continue to take steps  to  generate  additional
revenues  and to significantly reduce its costs. Although the  Company
has  a  number of initiatives underway to address its cost and revenue
challenges, the adequacy and ultimate success of these initiatives  is
not  known  at  this  time and cannot be assured.   It  will  be  very
difficult, absent continued restructuring of its operations,  for  the
Company to continue to fund its obligations on an ongoing basis or  to
become profitable if the overall industry revenue environment does not
improve  and  fuel prices remain at historically high  levels  for  an
extended period.


Significant Indebtedness and Future Financing

The  Company  remains heavily indebted and has significant obligations
(including substantial pension funding obligations), as described more
fully under Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition  and  Results of Operations" in the  2004  Form  10-K.   The
Company  believes  it  should have sufficient liquidity  to  fund  its
operations for the foreseeable future, including repayment of debt and
capital   leases,   capital   expenditures   and   other   contractual
obligations.  Nonetheless,  to maintain sufficient  liquidity  as  the
Company  continues to implement its restructuring and  cost  reduction
initiatives,  the Company will need access to additional funding.  The
Company's possible financing sources primarily include: (i) a  limited
amount  of additional secured aircraft debt (a very large majority  of
the Company's owned aircraft, including virtually all of the Company's
Section  1110-eligible  aircraft, are  encumbered)  or  sale-leaseback
transactions  involving  owned aircraft;  (ii)  debt  secured  by  new
aircraft  deliveries;  (iii)  debt  secured  by  other  assets;   (iv)
securitization  of  future  operating  receipts;  (v)  the   sale   or
monetization of certain assets; (vi) unsecured debt; and (vii)  equity
and/or equity-like securities. However, the availability and level  of
these  financing sources cannot be assured, particularly in  light  of
the Company's and American's reduced credit ratings, high fuel prices,
the  historically weak fare environment and the financial difficulties
being  experienced  in  the airline industry.  The  inability  of  the
Company  to  obtain additional funding would have a material  negative
impact  on  the ability of the Company to sustain its operations  over
the long-term.


The   Company's   substantial  indebtedness   could   have   important
consequences.  For example, it could: (i) limit the Company's  ability
to   obtain   additional  financing  for  working   capital,   capital
expenditures,   acquisitions  and  general  corporate   purposes,   or
adversely  affect the terms on which such financing could be obtained;
(ii) require the Company to dedicate a substantial portion of its cash
flow from operations to payments on its indebtedness, thereby reducing
the  funds  available for other purposes; (iii) make the Company  more
vulnerable to economic downturns; (iv) limit its ability to  withstand
competitive  pressures  and reduce its flexibility  in  responding  to
changing business and economic conditions; and (v) limit the Company's
flexibility  in planning for, or reacting to, changes in its  business
and the industry in which it operates.

Credit Facility Covenants

American has a credit facility (the Credit Facility) consisting  of  a
fully drawn $555 million senior secured revolving credit facility with
a  final maturity on June 17, 2009 and a fully drawn $248 million term
loan  facility with a final maturity on December 17, 2010. The  Credit
Facility  contains  a  covenant  (the  Liquidity  Covenant)  requiring
American  to  maintain,  as defined, unrestricted  cash,  unencumbered
short  term  investments  and  amounts  available  for  drawing  under
committed  revolving credit facilities of not less than  $1.5  billion
for each quarterly period through September 30, 2005 and $1.25 billion
for  each quarterly period thereafter. American was in compliance with
the Liquidity Covenant as of September 30, 2005 and expects to be able
to  continue  to comply with this covenant.  In addition,  the  Credit
Facility contains a covenant (the EBITDAR Covenant) requiring  AMR  to
maintain  a  ratio of cash flow (defined as consolidated  net  income,
before  interest  expense (less capitalized interest),  income  taxes,
depreciation and amortization and rentals, adjusted for certain  gains
or  losses  and non-cash items) to fixed charges (comprising  interest
expense (less capitalized interest) and rentals).  The required  ratio
was 0.90 to 1.00 for the four quarter period ending September 30, 2005
and  will  increase  gradually to 1.50 to 1.00 for  the  four  quarter
period  ending March 31, 2008 and for each four quarter period  ending
on  each  fiscal  quarter thereafter. AMR was in compliance  with  the
EBITDAR  covenant as of September 30, 2005 and expects to be  able  to
continue  to comply with this covenant for the period ending  December
31,  2005.  However, given the historically high price of fuel and the
volatility  of  fuel  prices and revenues, it is difficult  to  assess
whether AMR and American will, in fact, be able to continue to  comply
with  the  Liquidity Covenant and in particular the EBITDAR  Covenant,
and  there  are no assurances that AMR and American will  be  able  to
comply  with these covenants.  Failure to comply with these  covenants
would  result in a default under the Credit Facility which - - if  the
Company  did  not  take  steps to obtain a  waiver  of,  or  otherwise
mitigate,  the  default  -  -  could  result  in  a  default  under  a
significant amount of the Company's other debt and lease obligations.

Pension Funding Obligation

The  Company  contributed $288 million to its defined benefit  pension
plans  during  the  nine month period ended September  30,  2005,  and
completed  its required 2005 calendar year funding by contributing  an
additional  $22  million  on October 14,  2005.   Due  to  uncertainty
regarding the impact of proposed legislation, the Company is  not  yet
able  to reasonably estimate its future required contributions  beyond
2005.   Various defined benefit pension reform proposals are currently
under  consideration by the Government, which could have a significant
- -  -  positive or negative - - impact on the Company's future required
pension  contributions.   The likely outcome  of  these  proposals  is
currently  unclear.  Based on the current regulatory  environment  and
market  conditions, the Company expects that its 2006 minimum required
contributions will exceed its 2005 contributions; however,  there  are
certain   scenarios   where  the  Company's  2006   minimum   required
contribution would be less than the 2005 amount.


Cash Flow Activity

At  September  30, 2005, the Company had $3.4 billion in  unrestricted
cash  and  short-term investments, an increase of  $483  million  from
December 31, 2004.  Net cash provided by operating activities  in  the
nine-month  period  ended  September 30, 2005  was  $1.0  billion,  an
increase  of $229 million over the same period in 2004.  The  increase
was  primarily the result of an increase in the Air traffic  liability
due  to  a  modest  improvement in the revenue  environment.   Capital
expenditures for the first nine months of 2005 were $586  million  and
included  the acquisition of 20 Embraer 145 aircraft and the  cost  of
improvements at New York's John F. Kennedy airport.

In  July 2005, American completed the re-marketing of $198 million  of
DFW-FIC Series 2000A Unsecured Revenue Refunding Bonds that mature May
1,  2029.   Certain  municipalities originally  issued  these  special
facility  revenue bonds primarily to improve airport  facilities  that
are  leased  by American and accounted for as operating  leases.  They
were  acquired by American in 2003 under a mandatory tender provision.
Thus,  American  received the proceeds from the  remarketing  in  July
which results in an increase to Other liabilities, deferred gains  and
deferred credits where the tendered bonds had been classified  pending
their use to offset certain future operating lease obligations.

In September 2005, American sold and leased back 89 spare engines with
a book value of $105 million to a variable interest entity (VIE).  The
net  proceeds received from third parties were $133 million.  American
is  considered the primary beneficiary of the activities of the VIE as
American  has substantially all of the residual value risk  associated
with  the  transaction.  As such, American is required to  consolidate
the  VIE in its financial statements.  At September 30, 2005, the book
value  of  the engines was included in Flight equipment,  net  on  the
condensed consolidated balance sheet.  The engines serve as collateral
for  the  VIE's long-term debt of $133 million at September 30,  2005,
which  has  also  been included in the condensed consolidated  balance
sheet.  The VIE has no other significant operations.

Also  in  September 2005, American purchased certain  obligations  due
October  2006 with a face value of $261 million at par value  from  an
institutional  investor.  In conjunction with the  purchase,  American
borrowed  an  additional  $245  million  under  an  existing  mortgage
agreement  with  a  final  maturity in December  2012  from  the  same
investor.   The  interest  rate  on  the  mortgage  agreement  remains
substantially unchanged.  The additional borrowings required  American
to  grant  a  security interest in certain spare engines  and  related
collateral.   The  transaction was accounted for as a modification  of
the  original  debt  under  Emerging Issues  Task  Force  Issue  96-19
"Debtor's   Accounting  for  a  Modification  or  Exchange   of   Debt
Instruments".   As  a result of this transaction, the  Company's  2006
maturities  of  long-term debt decreased from  $1.3  billion  to  $1.1

During  the  nine-month period ended September  30,  2005,  AMR  Eagle
borrowed  approximately $319 million (net of discount), under  various
debt  agreements,  related to the purchase of regional  jet  aircraft.
These  debt  agreements are secured by the related aircraft,  have  an
effective  interest  rate of 5.0 percent, are guaranteed  by  AMR  and
mature over various periods of time through 2021.

The  New York City Industrial Development Agency is in the process  of
offering  up  to  $770 million of special facility  revenue  bonds  on
behalf of American.  Proceeds from these bonds would generally be used
to  reimburse  American  for  certain construction  costs  related  to
facility  improvements at John F. Kennedy International  Airport.   If
these bonds are issued, American would be responsible for debt service
on  the  bonds  and  would  consolidate  the  debt  in  its  financial
statements.   American can give no assurance as  to  whether  or  when
these  bonds  will be issued or, if issued, as to the  amount  of  the
bonds that will be issued.



For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2005 and 2004


The  Company's revenues increased approximately $723 million, or  15.2
percent,  to $5.5 billion in the third quarter of 2005 from  the  same
period  last  year.  American's passenger revenues increased  by  15.4
percent,  or  $590 million, on a capacity (available seat mile)  (ASM)
increase  of 2.5 percent.  American's passenger load factor  increased
3.3  points to 81.2 percent and passenger revenue yield per  passenger
mile  increased  by 8.0 percent to 11.96 cents.  This resulted  in  an
increase  in  American's  passenger revenue per  available  seat  mile
(RASM)  of  12.6  percent  to  9.71  cents.  Following  is  additional
information regarding American's domestic and international  RASM  and

                       Three Months Ended September 30, 2005
                        RASM      Y-O-Y      ASMs      Y-O-Y
                       (cents)   Change   (billions)   Change

   Domestic              9.4      13.8%      29.6        0.1%
   International        10.2      10.1       16.0        7.1
      Latin America      9.9      14.3        7.5        3.8
      Europe            11.1      10.8        6.6        5.5
      Pacific            8.3      (9.0)       1.8       31.4

Regional  affiliates' passenger revenues, which are based on  industry
standard  proration  agreements  for flights  connecting  to  American
flights, increased $82 million, or 16.8 percent, to $570 million as  a
result  of  increased capacity and load factors.  Regional affiliates'
traffic increased 21.8 percent to 2.4 billion revenue passenger  miles
(RPMs),  while  capacity increased 17.1 percent to 3.3  billion  ASMs,
resulting in a 2.7 point increase in the passenger load factor to 71.7

Cargo  revenues increased 2.0 percent, or $3 million, to $152  million
as  a  result  of  a  1.9 percent increase in  cargo  ton  miles.   In
addition,  the  cargo  division saw a $13  million  increase  in  fuel
surcharges  and  other service fees.  These amounts  are  included  in
Other revenues which are discussed below.

Other revenues increased 16.7 percent, or $48 million, to $335 million
due  in part to increased cargo fuel surcharges, increased third-party
maintenance  contracts  obtained  by  the  Company's  maintenance  and
engineering group, and increases in certain passenger fees.

Operating Expenses

The Company's total operating expenses increased 13.7 percent, or $657
million, to $5.4 billion in the third quarter of 2005 compared to  the
third quarter of 2004. American's mainline operating expenses per  ASM
in  the  third quarter of 2005 increased 9.7 percent compared  to  the
third  quarter  of  2004  to 10.62 cents.   These  increases  are  due
primarily to a 49.6 percent increase in American's price per gallon of
fuel  in  the third quarter of 2005 relative to the third  quarter  of
2004.  The Company's operating and financial results are significantly
affected  by  the  price of jet fuel.  Continuing  high  fuel  prices,
additional  increases  in the price of fuel,  or  disruptions  in  the
supply of fuel, would further adversely affect the Company's financial
condition and results of operations.

The  Company's  2005 third quarter expenses were impacted  by  an  $80
million  charge for the termination of a contract and  a  $22  million
credit  for the reversal of an insurance reserve. The Company recorded
an  $18 million adjustment in Special charges in the third quarter  of
2004 (see explanation below).


   (in millions)                Three Months
                                   Ended         Increase /
   Operating Expenses           September 30,    (Decrease)   Percentage
                                    2005         from 2004      Change

   Wages, salaries and benefits   $1,664           $ (32)       (1.9)%
   Aircraft fuel                   1,582             526        49.8   (a)
   Other rentals and landing fees    337              42        14.2   (b)
   Depreciation and amortization     292             (25)       (7.9)
   Commissions, booking fees
     and credit card expense         292               4         1.4
   Maintenance, materials and
     repairs                         269               4         1.5
   Aircraft rentals                  148              (4)       (2.7)
   Food service                      136              (9)       (6.2)
   Other operating expenses          726             133        22.4   (c)
   Special charges (credits)           -              18          NM   (d)
      Total operating expenses    $5,446          $  657        13.7%

   (a)  Aircraft fuel expense increased primarily due to a 49.6 percent
        increase in American's price per gallon of fuel offset by  a  1.3
        percent decrease in American's fuel consumption.
   (b)  Other  rentals  and landing fees increased primarily  due  to
        additional landing fees resulting from higher rates.
   (c)  Other operating expenses increased primarily due to a charge of
        $80 million related to the termination of a contract somewhat offset
        by a $22 million credit for the reversal of an insurance reserve.  An
        increase in communications charges of $23 million, primarily due to
        increased international services, also contributed to the increase in
        the account.
   (d)  Special  charges (credits) for 2004 included the reversal  of
        reserves  previously established for facility exit costs  of  $18

Other Income (Expense)

Other  income  (expense),  historically a net  expense,  increased  $5
million with offsetting $21 million increases in both interest  income
and  interest  expense due primarily to higher balances  and  interest

Income Tax

The Company did not record a net tax benefit associated with its third
quarter  2005 and 2004 losses due to the Company providing a valuation
allowance,  as  discussed  in  Note 5 to  the  condensed  consolidated
financial statements.


Operating Statistics
The  following table provides statistical information for American and
Regional Affiliates for the three months ended September 30, 2005  and

                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                      September 30,
                                                    2005         2004
American Airlines, Inc. Mainline Jet Operations
    Revenue passenger miles (millions)            37,025       34,659
    Available seat miles (millions)               45,613       44,515
    Cargo ton miles (millions)                       539          529
    Passenger load factor                           81.2%        77.9%
    Passenger revenue yield per passenger
      mile (cents)                                 11.96        11.07
    Passenger revenue per available seat
      mile (cents)                                  9.71         8.62
    Cargo revenue yield per ton mile (cents)       28.23        28.11
    Operating expenses per available seat mile,
      excluding Regional Affiliates (cents) (*)    10.62         9.68
    Fuel consumption (gallons, in millions)          763          773
    Fuel price per gallon (cents)                  187.6        125.4
    Operating aircraft at period-end                 727          734

Regional Affiliates
    Revenue passenger miles (millions)             2,386        1,959
    Available seat miles (millions)                3,326        2,840
    Passenger load factor                           71.7%        69.0%

(*)  Excludes $650 million and $539 million of expense incurred
  related to Regional Affiliates in 2005 and 2004, respectively.

Operating aircraft at September 30, 2005, included:

American Airlines Aircraft                AMR Eagle Aircraft

Airbus A300-600R                34        Bombardier CRJ-700         25
Boeing 737-800                  77        Embraer 135                39
Boeing 757-200                 143        Embraer 140                59
Boeing 767-200 Extended Range   16        Embraer 145               108
Boeing 767-300 Extended Range   58        Super ATR                  41
Boeing 777-200 Extended Range   45        Saab 340B/340B Plus        28
McDonnell Douglas MD-80        354        Total                     300
 Total                         727

The  average  aircraft age for American's and AMR Eagle's aircraft  is
13.0 years and 5.9 years, respectively.

Of the operating aircraft listed above, 24 McDonnell Douglas MD-80s  -
- -  13  owned, five operating leased and six capital leased - - as well
as  two  Saab 340B Plus were in temporary storage as of September  30,


Owned and leased aircraft not operated by the Company at September 30,
2005, included:

American  Airlines Aircraft                 AMR Eagle Aircraft

Boeing 767-200                     2        Embraer 145                10
Boeing 767-200 Extended Range      3        Saab 340B/340B Plus        53
Fokker 100                         4        Total                      63
McDonnell Douglas MD-80            7
 Total                            16

As part of the Company's fleet simplification initiative, American has
agreed  to sell certain aircraft.  As of September 30, 2005, remaining
owned  aircraft  to  be delivered under these agreements  include  one
Boeing 767-200 Extended Range and two Boeing 767-200 aircraft.

AMR  Eagle has leased its 10 owned Embraer 145s that are not  operated
by AMR Eagle to Trans States Airlines, Inc.

For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2005 and 2004


The  Company's revenues increased approximately $1.4 billion, or  10.2
percent, to $15.5 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2005
from  the  same  period  last  year.   American's  passenger  revenues
increased  by  9.8  percent,  or $1.1 billion,  on  a  capacity  (ASM)
increase  of 1.8 percent.  American's passenger load factor  increased
3.8  points to 78.8 percent and passenger revenue yield per  passenger
mile  increased  2.7  percent to 11.92 cents.   This  resulted  in  an
increase  in  American's passenger RASM of 7.9 percent to 9.39  cents.
Following is additional information regarding American's domestic  and
international RASM and capacity:

                       Nine Months Ended September 30, 2005
                        RASM      Y-O-Y       ASMs       Y-O-Y
                       (cents)   Change    (billions)    Change

   Domestic              9.3       8.6%       87.3       (1.9)%
   International         9.6       6.2        46.1        9.7
      Latin America      9.4       6.3        22.9        8.6
      Europe            10.3       9.6        18.1        6.4
      Pacific            8.3      (5.9)        5.1       29.1

Regional  affiliates' passenger revenues, which are based on  industry
standard  proration  agreements  for flights  connecting  to  American
flights, increased $169 million, or 12.0 percent, to $1.6 billion as a
result  of  increased capacity and load factors.  Regional affiliates'
traffic  increased  23.0 percent to 6.6 billion RPMs,  while  capacity
increased  18.8 percent to 9.5 billion ASMs, resulting in a 2.4  point
increase in the passenger load factor to 69.7 percent.

Cargo  revenues increased 1.8 percent, or $8 million, to $460  million
as  a  result of a 1.2 percent increase in cargo ton miles in addition
to  a  0.7  percent increase in cargo revenue yield per ton mile.   In
addition,  the  cargo  division saw a $38  million  increase  in  fuel
surcharges  and  other service fees.  These amounts  are  included  in
Other revenues which are discussed below.

Other  revenues  increased  16.9 percent, or  $140  million,  to  $968
million  due  in  part  to increased cargo fuel surcharges,  increased
third-party   maintenance   contracts  obtained   by   the   Company's
maintenance and engineering group, and increases in certain  passenger


Operating Expenses

The  Company's total operating expenses increased 9.8 percent, or $1.4
billion, to $15.3 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2005
compared  to  the same period in 2004.  American's mainline  operating
expenses per ASM in the nine months ended September 30, 2005 increased
6.3  percent compared to the same period in 2004 to 10.16 cents. These
increases  are due primarily to a 44.5 percent increase in  American's
price  per gallon of fuel in 2005 relative to the same period in 2004,
including the impact of a $55 million fuel excise tax refund  received
in March 2005.

   (in millions)                 Nine Months
                                   Ended       Increase /
                                September 30,  (Decrease)  Percentage
   Operating Expenses               2005       from 2004     Change

   Wages, salaries and benefits    $4,979        $(60)        (1.2)%
   Aircraft fuel                    4,030       1,249         44.9   (a)
   Other rentals and landing fees     956          55          6.1
   Depreciation and amortization      868         (95)        (9.9)
   Commissions, booking fees and
     credit card expense              849         (14)        (1.6)
   Maintenance, materials and
     repairs                          761          20          2.7
   Aircraft rentals                   443         (15)        (3.3)
   Food service                       388         (33)        (7.8)
   Other operating expenses         1,979         204         11.5   (b)
   Special charges (credits)            -          49           NM   (c)
      Total operating expenses    $15,253      $1,360          9.8%

(a)  Aircraft fuel expense increased primarily due to a 44.5 percent
     increase in American's price per gallon of fuel (including the benefit
     of a $55 million fuel excise tax refund received in March 2005 and the
     impact of fuel hedging) offset by a 1.5 percent decrease in American's
     fuel consumption.
(b)  Other operating expenses increased in part due to a charge of $80
     million related to the termination of a contract somewhat offset by a
     $22 million credit for the reversal of an insurance reserve.
     Increases in communications charges of $51 million and information
     technology spending of $15 million also contributed to the increase in
     the account.
(c)  Special charges (credits) for 2004 included the reversal of
     reserves previously established for aircraft return costs of $20
     million, facility exit costs of $18 million and employee severance of
     $11 million.

Other Income (Expense)

Other  income  (expense), historically a net  expense,  decreased  $37
million.  Interest income increased $57 million due primarily to a $14
million  interest  refund  related  to  the  fuel  excise  tax  refund
discussed  above  and  increases  in  interest  rates  and  short-term
investments.  Interest expense increased $49 million due primarily  to
increases in variable interest rates. Miscellaneous-net decreased  $30
million, reflecting the accrual during the first quarter of 2004 of  a
$23  million award rendered by an independent arbitrator related to  a
grievance filed by the Allied Pilots Association.

Income Tax

The  Company  did  not  record a net tax benefit associated  with  its
losses  for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 and 2004  due  to
the Company providing a valuation allowance, as discussed in Note 5 to
the condensed consolidated financial statements.


Operating Statistics
The  following table provides statistical information for American and
Regional  Affiliates for the nine months ended September 30, 2005  and

                                                    Nine Months Ended
                                                      September 30,
                                                   2005          2004
American Airlines, Inc. Mainline Jet Operations
    Revenue passenger miles (millions)            105,147      98,271
    Available seat miles (millions)               133,485     131,109
    Cargo ton miles (millions)                      1,636       1,617
    Passenger load factor                            78.8%       75.0%
    Passenger revenue yield per passenger
      mile (cents)                                  11.92       11.61
    Passenger revenue per available seat
      mile (cents)                                   9.39        8.70
    Cargo revenue yield per ton mile (cents)        28.11       27.92
    Operating expenses per available seat mile,
      excluding Regional Affiliates (cents) (*)     10.16        9.56
    Fuel consumption (gallons, in millions)         2,242       2,276
    Fuel price per gallon (cents) (**)              162.9       112.7

Regional Affiliates
    Revenue passenger miles (millions)              6,588       5,355
    Available seat miles (millions)                 9,452       7,958
    Passenger load factor                            69.7%       67.3%

(*)   Excludes $1.9 billion and $1.5 billion of expense incurred
      related to Regional Affiliates in 2005 and 2004, respectively.

(**)  Includes the benefit of 2.5 cents per gallon impact from the
      $55 million fuel excise tax refund in 2005.


The Company expects to post -- at the current level of fuel prices  --
a significant loss in the fourth quarter.

The Company currently expects fourth quarter mainline unit costs to be
approximately 11.42 cents, including the 0.09 cent favorable impact of
the  $37  million potential gain discussed in Note 3 to the  condensed
consolidated financial statements.

Capacity for American's mainline jet operations is expected to  remain
approximately  flat  in the fourth quarter of  2005  compared  to  the
fourth quarter of 2004.


Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

Except  as  discussed  below, there have been no material  changes  in
market risk from the information provided in Item 7A. Quantitative and
Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk of the Company's  2004  Form

The  risk inherent in the Company's fuel related market risk sensitive
instruments  and positions is the potential loss arising from  adverse
changes  in  the price of fuel. The sensitivity analyses presented  do
not consider the effects that such adverse changes may have on overall
economic  activity, nor do they consider additional actions management
may   take  to  mitigate  the  Company's  exposure  to  such  changes.
Therefore,  actual results may differ.  The Company does not  hold  or
issue derivative financial instruments for trading purposes.

Aircraft Fuel   The Company's earnings are affected by changes in  the
price  and  availability of aircraft fuel.   In  order  to  provide  a
measure of control over price and supply, the Company trades and ships
fuel  and  maintains  fuel storage facilities to  support  its  flight
operations.   The Company also manages the price risk  of  fuel  costs
primarily  by  using  jet fuel, heating oil,  and  crude  oil  hedging
contracts.   Market  risk  is estimated as a hypothetical  10  percent
increase in the September 30, 2005 cost per gallon of fuel.  Based  on
projected 2005 and 2006 fuel usage through September 30, 2006, such an
increase  would  result  in an increase to aircraft  fuel  expense  of
approximately  $948 million in the twelve months ended  September  30,
2006,  inclusive  of  the impact of effective fuel  hedge  instruments
outstanding  at  September 30, 2005, and assumes  the  Company's  fuel
hedging   program  remains  effective  under  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments
and  Hedging Activities".  Comparatively, based on projected 2005 fuel
usage, such an increase would have resulted in an increase to aircraft
fuel  expense of approximately $377 million in the twelve months ended
December  31, 2005, inclusive of the impact of fuel hedge  instruments
outstanding  at  December  31, 2004.  The change  in  market  risk  is
primarily due to the increase in fuel prices.

Ineffectiveness  is  inherent  in hedging  jet  fuel  with  derivative
positions  based in crude oil or other crude oil related  commodities.
As  required  by Statement of Financial Accounting Standard  No.  133,
"Accounting  for  Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities",  the
Company  assesses, both at the inception of each hedge and on  an  on-
going  basis,  whether the derivatives that are used  in  its  hedging
transactions are highly effective in offsetting changes in cash  flows
of  the  hedged  items.  The  Company  discontinues  hedge  accounting
prospectively if it determines that a derivative is no longer expected
to  be highly effective as a hedge or if it decides to discontinue the
hedging  relationship.   As  a result of its  quarterly  effectiveness
assessment,  the  Company  determined  that  all  of  its  derivatives
settling  during the remainder of 2005 and certain of its  derivatives
settling  in  2006  are no longer expected to be highly  effective  in
offsetting  changes in forecasted jet fuel purchases.   As  a  result,
effective on October 1, 2005, all subsequent changes in the fair value
of  those  particular hedge contracts will be recognized  directly  in
earnings rather than being deferred in Accumulated other comprehensive
loss. Hedge accounting will continue to be applied to derivatives used
to  hedge  forecasted jet fuel purchases that are expected  to  remain
highly effective.

As  of  September  30, 2005, the Company had hedged  an  insignificant
percentage  of  its  estimated remaining  2005,  2006  and  2007  fuel
requirements with option contracts.


Item 4.  Controls and Procedures

The term "disclosure controls and procedures" is defined in Rules 13a-
15(e)  and  15d-15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  or  the
Exchange  Act.  This term refers to the controls and procedures  of  a
company  that are designed to ensure that information required  to  be
disclosed by a company in the reports that it files under the Exchange
Act  is  recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the  time
periods  specified  by  the  Securities and  Exchange  Commission.  An
evaluation   was  performed  under  the  supervision  and   with   the
participation  of  the  Company's  management,  including  the   Chief
Executive  Officer  (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer  (CFO),  of  the
effectiveness  of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures  as
of  September  30,  2005.   Based on that  evaluation,  the  Company's
management,  including the CEO and CFO, concluded that  the  Company's
disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of September  30,
2005.   During the quarter ending on September 30, 2005, there was  no
change in the Company's internal control over financial reporting that
has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect,
the Company's internal control over financial reporting.



Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

On  July  26, 1999, a class action lawsuit was filed, and in  November
1999 an amended complaint was filed, against AMR Corporation, American
Airlines,  Inc.,  AMR  Eagle Holding Corporation,  Airlines  Reporting
Corporation,  and the Sabre Group Holdings, Inc. in the United  States
District  Court  for  the  Central  District  of  California,  Western
Division  (Westways  World Travel, Inc. v. AMR Corp.,  et  al.).   The
lawsuit  alleges that requiring travel agencies to pay debit memos  to
American for violations of American's fare rules (by customers of  the
agencies): (1) breaches the Agent Reporting Agreement between American
and  AMR  Eagle and the plaintiffs; (2) constitutes unjust enrichment;
and  (3)  violates the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt  Organizations
Act of 1970 (RICO).  On July 9, 2003, the court certified a class that
included all travel agencies who have been or will be required to  pay
money to American for debit memos for fare rules violations from  July
26,  1995 to the present.  On February 24, 2005, the court decertified
the  class.  In September 2005, the Court granted Summary Judgment  in
favor  of  the  Company  and  all  other  defendants.   The  time  for
plaintiffs  to file a notice of appeal has not yet run.  Although  the
Company believes that the litigation is without merit, a final adverse
court   decision   could   impose  restrictions   on   the   Company's
relationships with travel agencies, which could have an adverse impact
on the Company.

Between  April 3, 2003 and June 5, 2003, three lawsuits were filed  by
travel  agents  some of whom opted out of a prior  class  action  (now
dismissed)  to  pursue  their  claims  individually  against  American
Airlines,  Inc.,  other airline defendants, and in  one  case  against
certain  airline defendants and Orbitz LLC.  (Tam Travel et.  al.,  v.
Delta  Air Lines et. al., in the United States District Court for  the
Northern  District  of  California  -  San  Francisco  (51  individual
agencies),  Paula  Fausky d/b/a Timeless Travel v. American  Airlines,
et.  al, in the United States District Court for the Northern District
of  Ohio  Eastern Division (29 agencies) and Swope Travel  et  al.  v.
Orbitz  et.  al. in the United States District Court for  the  Eastern
District  of  Texas  Beaumont Division (6  agencies)).   Collectively,
these  lawsuits seek damages and injunctive relief alleging  that  the
certain  airline defendants and Orbitz LLC: (i) conspired  to  prevent
travel agents from acting as effective competitors in the distribution
of  airline  tickets to passengers in violation of Section  1  of  the
Sherman Act;  (ii) conspired to monopolize the distribution of  common
carrier  air travel between airports in the United States in violation
of  Section 2 of the Sherman Act; and that (iii) between 1995 and  the
present,  the airline defendants conspired to reduce commissions  paid
to  U.S.-based travel agents in violation of Section 1 of the  Sherman
Act.  These cases have been consolidated in the United States District
Court for the Northern District of Ohio Eastern Division.  American is
vigorously  defending these lawsuits. A final adverse  court  decision
awarding  substantial  money damages or placing  restrictions  on  the
Company's distribution practices would have an adverse impact  on  the

On  August  19, 2002, a class action lawsuit seeking monetary  damages
was  filed, and on May 7, 2003, an amended complaint was filed in  the
United  States District Court for the Southern District  of  New  York
(Power Travel International, Inc. v. American Airlines, Inc., et  al.)
against  American,  Continental  Airlines,  Delta  Air  Lines,  United
Airlines, and Northwest Airlines, alleging that American and the other
defendants breached their contracts with the agency and were  unjustly
enriched  when  these  carriers at various times  reduced  their  base
commissions to zero.  The as yet uncertified class includes all travel
agencies accredited by the Airlines Reporting Corporation "whose  base
commissions on airline tickets were unilaterally reduced to  zero  by"
the  defendants.  The case is stayed as to United Airlines,  since  it
filed  for bankruptcy.  American is vigorously defending the  lawsuit.
Although the Company believes that the litigation is without merit,  a
final  adverse  court decision awarding substantial money  damages  or
forcing  the Company to pay agency commissions would have  an  adverse
impact on the Company.


Miami-Dade   County  (the  County)  is  currently  investigating   and
remediating   various   environmental   conditions   at   the    Miami
International Airport (MIA) and funding the remediation costs  through
landing  fees  and  various cost recovery methods.  American  and  AMR
Eagle  have  been named as potentially responsible parties (PRPs)  for
the  contamination  at MIA.  During the second quarter  of  2001,  the
County  filed  a  lawsuit  against 17 defendants,  including  American
Airlines,  Inc., in an attempt to recover its past and future  cleanup
costs (Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Advance Cargo Services, Inc.,  et
al. in the Florida Circuit Court). The Company is vigorously defending
the  lawsuit.  In addition to the 17 defendants named in the  lawsuit,
243  other  agencies  and  companies  were  also  named  as  PRPs  and
contributors to the contamination.  The case is currently stayed while
the  parties  pursue an alternative dispute resolution  process.   The
County has proposed draft allocation models for remedial costs for the
Terminal  and  Tank Farm areas of MIA.  While it is  anticipated  that
American  and AMR Eagle will be allocated equitable shares of remedial
costs,  the Company does not expect the allocated amounts  to  have  a
material adverse effect on the Company.

Four  cases  (each  being a purported class action)  have  been  filed
against American arising from the disclosure of passenger name records
by  a vendor of American.  The cases are:  Kimmell v. AMR, et al.  (U.
S.  District  Court, Texas), Baldwin v. AMR, et al.  (U.  S.  District
Court,  Texas),  Rosenberg v. AMR, et al. (U. S. District  Court,  New
York)  and  Anapolsky v. AMR, et al. (U.S. District Court, New  York).
The  Kimmell  suit was filed in April 2004. The Baldwin and  Rosenberg
cases  were  filed  in  May  2004. The Anapolsky  suit  was  filed  in
September  2004.  The suits allege various causes of action, including
but  not  limited  to,  violations of  the  Electronic  Communications
Privacy  Act,  negligent  misrepresentation, breach  of  contract  and
violation  of  alleged  common law rights of privacy.   In  each  case
plaintiffs  seek  statutory  damages  of  $1000  per  passenger,  plus
additional  unspecified  monetary damages.  The  Court  dismissed  the
cases  but allowed leave to amend, and the Kimmell and Rosenberg cases
have  been  refiled.  The Company is vigorously defending these  suits
and  believes  the suits are without merit. However, a  final  adverse
court  decision awarding a maximum amount of statutory  damages  would
have an adverse impact on the Company.

American is defending three lawsuits, filed as class actions  but  not
certified  as such, arising from allegedly improper failure to  refund
certain governmental taxes and fees collected by the Company upon  the
sale  of  nonrefundable tickets when such tickets  are  not  used  for
travel.   The  suits  are:  Coleman v. American  Airlines,  Inc.,  No.
101106,  filed  December  31, 2002, pending  (on  appeal)  before  the
Supreme Court of Oklahoma.  The Coleman Plaintiffs seek actual damages
(not  specified) and interest.  Hayes v. American Airlines, Inc.,  No.
04-3231,  pending in the United States District Court for the  Eastern
District  of New York, filed July 2, 2004.  The Hayes Plaintiffs  seek
unspecified damages, declaratory judgment, costs, attorneys' fees, and
interest.    Harrington v. Delta Air Lines, Inc.,  et.  al.,  No.  04-
12558, pending in the United States District Court for the District of
Massachusetts, filed November 4, 2004.  The Harrington plaintiffs seek
unspecified actual damages (trebled), declaratory judgment, injunctive
relief,  costs, and attorneys' fees.  The suits assert various  causes
of  action,  including  breach  of contract,  conversion,  and  unjust
enrichment.   The  Company  is  vigorously  defending  the  suits  and
believes  them  to be without merit.  However, a final  adverse  court
decision  requiring the Company to refund collected taxes and/or  fees
could have an adverse impact on the Company.

On March 11, 2004, a patent infringement lawsuit was filed against AMR
Corporation,  American Airlines, Inc., AMR Eagle Holding  Corporation,
and  American Eagle Airlines, Inc. in the United States District Court
for  the  Eastern  District of Texas (IAP Intermodal,  L.L.C.  v.  AMR
Corp.,  et al.). The case was consolidated with eight similar lawsuits
filed  against  a  number  of other unaffiliated  airlines,  including
Continental,   Northwest,  British  Airways,  Air   France,   Pinnacle
Airlines,  Korean  Air  and Singapore Airlines  (as  well  as  various
regional affiliates of the foregoing). The plaintiff alleges that  the
airline defendants infringe three patents, each of which relates to  a
system   of   scheduling  vehicles  based  on  freight  and  passenger
transportation requests received from remote computer terminals.   The
plaintiff  is  seeking past and future royalties of over  $30  billion
dollars, injunctive relief, costs and attorneys' fees. On September 7,
2005,  the court issued a memorandum opinion that interpreted disputed
terms  in  the  patents.  The plaintiff dismissed its  claims  without
prejudice  to  its  right  to appeal the September  7,  2005  opinion.
Although the Company believes that the plaintiff's claims are  without
merit  and is vigorously defending the lawsuit, a final adverse  court
decision  awarding  substantial  money  damages  or  placing  material
restrictions  on existing scheduling practices would have  an  adverse
impact on the Company.


On  July  12,  2004, a consolidated class action complaint,  that  was
subsequently amended on November 30, 2004, was filed against  American
Airlines,  Inc. and the Association of Professional Flight  Attendants
(APFA),  the  Union  which represents the Company's flight  attendants
(Ann  M.  Marcoux, et al., v. American Airlines Inc., et  al.  in  the
United  States District Court for the Eastern District of  New  York).
While  a class has not yet been certified, the lawsuit seeks on behalf
of  all  of American's flight attendants or various subclasses to  set
aside, and to obtain damages allegedly resulting from, the April  2003
Collective  Bargaining  Agreement referred  to  as  the  Restructuring
Participation  Agreement  (RPA).  The  RPA  was  one  of  three  labor
agreements the Company successfully reached with its unions  in  order
to  avoid  filing for bankruptcy in 2003.  In a related  case  (Sherry
Cooper, et al. v. TWA Airlines, LLC, et al., also in the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of New York), the court denied
a preliminary injunction against implementation of the RPA on June 30,
2003.  The  Marcoux suit alleges various claims against the Union  and
American relating to the RPA and the ratification vote on the  RPA  by
individual Union members, including: violation of the Labor Management
Reporting  and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) and the APFA's Constitution  and
By-laws, violation by the Union of its duty of fair representation  to
its  members,  violation by the Company of provisions of  the  Railway
Labor  Act through improper coercion of flight attendants into  voting
or  changing  their  vote  for ratification,  and  violations  of  the
Racketeer  Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act  of  1970  (RICO).
Although the Company believes the case against it is without merit and
both the Company and the Union are vigorously defending the lawsuit, a
final  adverse  court  decision  invalidating  the  RPA  and  awarding
substantial money damages would have an adverse impact on the Company.


Item 6.  Exhibits

The following exhibits are included herein:

10 Trust  Agreement  Under Supplemental Executive  Retirement  Program
   for  Officers of American Airlines, Inc Participating in the  $uper
   $aver Plus Plan.

12 Computation of ratio of earnings to fixed charges for the  three
   and nine months ended September 30, 2005 and 2004.

31.1  Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to  Rule  13a-

31.2  Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to  Rule  13a-

32    Certification pursuant to Rule 13a-14(b) and section 906 of  the
      Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (subsections (a) and (b) of section 1350,
      chapter 63 of title 18, United States Code).



Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of  1934,
the  registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                              AMR CORPORATION

Date:  October 21, 2005       BY: /s/ James A. Beer
                              James A. Beer
                              Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                              (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)


                                                          Exhibit 10

                         TRUST AGREEMENT

                   Adopted September 15, 2005

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS                                                   2
 Section 1.1.  Account                                                    2
 Section 1.2.  Actuary                                                    2
 Section 1.3.  Beneficiary                                                2
 Section 1.4.  Code                                                       2
 Section 1.5.  Committee                                                  2
 Section 1.6.  Corporation                                                2
 Section 1.7.  Expense Account                                            2
 Section 1.8.  Fund                                                       2
 Section 1.9.  Investment Manager                                         2
 Section 1.10. Participant                                                3
 Section 1.11. Plan                                                       3
 Section 1.12. $uper $aver Plus Plan                                      3
 Section 1.13. Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan                         3
 Section 1.14. Trust                                                      3
 Section 1.15. Trustee                                                    3
 Section 1.16. Valuation Date                                             3

 Section 2.1.  Purpose of the Trust; Separate Trust                       3
 Section 2.2.  Administration of the Trust                                4
 Section 2.3.  Irrevocable; Not Subject to Creditor Claims                4
 Section 2.4.  Secured Interest; Separate Account                         4

ARTICLE III - ACCOUNTS                                                    4
 Section 3.1.  Fund and Accounts                                          4
 Section 3.2.  Written Certifications Provided by Corporation to the
               Trustee                                                    5
 Section 3.3.  Benefits Payable                                           5
 Section 3.4.  Account Adjustment                                         5
 Section 3.5.  Maintenance of Accounts                                    6
 Section 3.6.  Taxability of Trust and the Participants                   6
 Section 3.7.  Accumulation/Distribution of Trust Income                  7
 Section 3.8.  Contributions by the Corporation for Income Taxes          7

 Section 4.1.  Contributions to the Trust                                 7
 Section 4.2.  Provision of Benefits is Binding Obligation of Corporation 7
 Section 4.3.  Provision of Reports and Written Certifications by the
               Corporation to the Trustee                                 7
 Section 4.4.  Distributions to Participants                              8

ARTICLE V - ACTUARY                                                       8
 Section 5.1.  Determination of Corporation's Fund Contributions by
               Actuary                                                    8
 Section 5.2.  Resignation/Removal of Actuary                             8

 Section 6.1.  Fund Held in Trust                                         9
 Section 6.2.  Types of Investments                                       9
 Section 6.3.  Powers and Authority of Trustee                           10
 Section 6.4.  Investment of Fund by Investment Manager                  12
 Section 6.5.  Making Benefit Payments Upon Retirement or Employment
               Termination                                               13
 Section 6.6.  Deposit of Contributions by Trustee                       13
 Section 6.7.  Dealings with the Trustee                                 13
 Section 6.8.  Use of Fund Assets to Pay Trust Expenses                  14

ARTICLE VII - DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEE                                      14
 Section 7.1.  General Duties of the Trustee                             14
 Section 7.2.  Valuation of Fund                                         14
 Section 7.3.  Reports and Records                                       14
 Section 7.4.  No Duty to Advance Funds or to Administer the
               Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan                        16
 Section 7.5.  Resignation/Removal of Trustee                            16

 Section 8.1.  Trustee Compensation and Expenses                         17
 Section 8.2.  Expense Account                                           17
 Section 8.3.  Immunities                                                17
 Section 8.4.  Indemnity of the Trustee                                  18
 Section 8.5.  Determination of Interests in the Fund, Enforcement of
               Trust and Legal Proceedings                               19

 Section 9.1.  Amendment of Agreement                                    19
 Section 9.2.  Termination of Agreement                                  19

ARTICLE X - THE COMMITTEE                                                20
 Section 10.1. Membership and Actions of the Committee                   20
 Section 10.2. Committee Compensation and Expenses                       20
 Section 10.3. Indemnity of Committee                                    21

ARTICLE XI - MISCELLANEOUS                                               21
 Section 11.1. Governing Law                                             21
 Section 11.2. No Effect on Employment                                   21
 Section 11.3. Successors                                                21
 Section 11.4. Severability                                              22
 Section 11.5. Incorporation of Plan as Part of Agreement                22
 Section 11.6. Execution in Counterparts                                 22
 Section 11.7. Effect of Divisions and Captions                          22
 Section 11.8. Gender and Number                                         22

                         TRUST AGREEMENT

     THIS  AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and  entered  into
effective  as of the 15th day of September, 2005 (the  "Effective
Date"),   by   and   between   AMERICAN   AIRLINES,   INC.   (the
"Corporation"),  a corporation organized and existing  under  the
laws  of  the  State  of  Delaware, and WACHOVIA  BANK,  NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION (the "Trustee"), a national association organized and
existing under the laws of the United States, and the individuals
constituting the Committee described in Section 10.1 hereof  (the


     WHEREAS,  in  January 1985, the Board of  Directors  of  AMR
Corporation  established  the Supplemental  Executive  Retirement
Program  for Officers of American Airlines, Inc., as subsequently
amended  (the  "Plan"),  a copy of which is  attached  hereto  as
Exhibit A and made a part of this Agreement for all purposes,  in
part,  for  the  purpose  of paying under the  Plan  supplemental
retirement  benefits to certain officers of the  Corporation  who
are  participants (the "Participants") in AMR Corporation's $uper
$aver Plus Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit  B
and  made  a  part  of  this Agreement  for  all  purposes  (such
supplemental  benefit scheme under the Plan  to  be  referred  to
herein as the "Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan"); and

     WHEREAS, the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan has not been
funded to date for the benefit of the Participants; and

     WHEREAS,  the Corporation seeks to establish an  irrevocable
trust  to  fund  retirement benefits of the Participants  of  the
Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan; and

       WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  desires  the  Trustee  to   be
responsible for the protection and conservation of the assets  of
the   Trust,  and  the  Trustee  is  willing  to  undertake  such
responsibility  under  the  terms of  the  Agreement;  thus,  the
Corporation will deliver assets to the Trustee to hold  in  trust
for  the purpose of accumulating funds to pay benefits under  the
Supplemental  $uper  $aver  Plus Plan  as  they  become  due  and
payable; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation desires for the Committee  to  be
responsible  for  the  administration  of  the  Trust,  and   the
individuals identified in Schedule B have agreed to serve as  the
Committee responsible for the administration of the Trust and are
willing  to  undertake  the  responsibility  and  duties  of  the
Committee pursuant to the terms of the Agreement; and

     WHEREAS, the Corporation intends the Trust to operate  as  a
secular  trust  for  Federal  income tax  purposes,  whereby  the
Participants  will be subject to current taxation  on  the  funds
held in the Trust; and


     WHEREAS,  the  trust established by this  Agreement  is  not
intended to be a "grantor trust" pursuant to Sections 671 through
679  of  the  Internal  Revenue Code of  1986,  as  amended  (the
"Code"),  but  is  intended  to be a taxable  trust  pursuant  to
Sections 641 et seq. of the Code.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the  mutual  covenants
contained  herein, the Corporation, the Trustee and the Committee
hereby agree as follows.

                            ARTICLE I

     Each word or phrase used herein which is in quotations shall
have  the meaning set forth in this Article I, unless a different
meaning is clearly required by context.

     Section   1.1.    Account.   "Account"  means  the  separate
account established and maintained under the Fund with respect to
each  Participant to provide a source of funds for  the  benefits
payable  by  the Corporation to, or with respect  to,  each  such
Participant under the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.

     Section  1.2.    Actuary.  "Actuary" means the  then  acting
actuary  or  firm  of  actuaries employed by the  Corporation  to
advise  the Corporation with respect to contributions to be  made
under  the  Supplemental  $uper $aver  Plus  Plan.   The  initial
Actuary  shall  be  Towers, Perrin, Forster &  Crosby,  Inc.  and

     Section   1.3.    Beneficiary.   "Beneficiary"   holds   the
identical definition of the term as defined in the Plan.

     Section 1.4.   Code.  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended.

     Section   1.5.     Committee.      "Committee"   means   the
committee  of  persons to whom the Corporation has delegated  the
responsibility of the Trust's administration.

     Section  1.6.    Corporation.  "Corporation" means  American
Airlines,  Inc.  and any successor thereto, or  to  the  business
thereof, by whatever form or manner resulting.

     Section  1.7.   Expense Account.  "Expense Account" means  a
separate  account  of the Fund whereby the Corporation  may  make
contributions  to  be  utilized  by  the  Trustee  to   pay   the
compensation, fees and expenses of the Trustee and the  Committee
and other expenses of the Trust.

     Section  1.8.    Fund.  "Fund" means the money and  property
held by the Trustee under this Agreement.

     Section  1.9.    Investment Manager.   "Investment  Manager"
means the then acting manager of all or any of the assets of  the
Fund  that  is appointed by the Committee to exercise  investment
responsibility with respect to all or such portion of the Fund as
determined by the Committee.


     Section   1.10.    Participant.    "Participant"   means   a
"Participant"  in  the  Plan as defined in  the  Plan  who  is  a
participant of the $uper $aver Plus Plan, and thus, a participant
of  the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan as referred to herein.
Attached  hereto  as Schedule A is a list of  the  names  of  the
Participants of the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan as of  the
Effective  Date of this Agreement.  The Corporation  will  revise
the list from time to time to reflect changes in the identity  of
the Participants of the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.

     Section   1.11.    Plan.   "Plan"  means  the   Supplemental
Executive  Retirement Program for Officers of American  Airlines,
Inc.  originally effective January 1, 1985, and as  amended  from
time  to  time, including certain retirement benefits  heretofore
authorized and which may hereafter be authorized to be payable to
certain employees of the Corporation.

      Section  1.12.  $uper $aver Plus Plan.  "$uper  $aver  Plus
Plan"  means  the  plan referred to as "$uper Saver  Plus"  under
$uper $aver, A 401(k) Capital Accumulation Plan for Employees  of
Participating AMR Corporation Subsidiaries, originally  effective
July 1, 1988, and as amended from time to time.

       Section   1.13.   Supplemental  $uper  $aver  Plus   Plan.
"Supplemental  $uper $aver Plus Plan" means  the  benefit  scheme
under  the  Plan  whereby supplemental benefits are  afforded  to
officers  of  the Corporation who are participants of  the  $uper
$aver Plus Plan.

         Section  1.14.  Trust.  "Trust" means the trust provided
   for under this Agreement.

      Section  1.15.  Trustee.  "Trustee" means the  then  acting
trustee  of  the  Trust.  The initial trustee  of  the  Trust  is
Wachovia Bank, National Association.

      Section 1.16.  Valuation Date.  "Valuation Date" means  (i)
the  last business day of each calendar quarter; (ii) in the case
of  a  Participant  who  retires or  whose  employment  with  the
Corporation  is terminated for any reason, the last business  day
of  the  calendar month coincident with or immediately  preceding
the  date of such retirement or termination; and (iii) each other
date  or dates specified by the Committee to the Trustee for  the
valuation of the Fund and adjustment of Accounts.

                           ARTICLE II
                      CREATION, PURPOSE AND

     Section  2.1.   Purpose of the Trust; Separate Trust.   This
Trust  is  established by the Corporation, the  Trustee  and  the
Committee  for the purpose of accumulating funds to pay  benefits
under the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.  Payments from  the
Fund to Participants or their Beneficiaries shall be in discharge
of   the   Corporation's  liability  under  the  terms   of   the
Supplemental  $uper  $aver  Plus Plan  under  the  Plan  to  such
Participants to the extent such benefits are paid from the  Fund.
The Corporation intends that each Account established pursuant to
Article  III be treated as a separate trust designed to  satisfy,
in  whole  or  in  part, the Corporation's  liability  under  the
Supplemental  $uper  $aver  Plus Plan  to  the  Participant  with
respect to whose benefit such Account is maintained.


    Section  2.2.     Administration of the Trust.  The Committee
shall  be solely responsible for the administration of the Trust.
The  Committee  shall, upon request of the Trustee,  furnish  the
Trustee  with  such  reasonable information as  is  necessary  or
appropriate  for  the  Trustee to carry out its  responsibilities
under  this Agreement, and the Trustee shall be entitled to  rely
conclusively on the information received from the Committee.  The
Corporation  shall be responsible for the administration  of  the
Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.  The Corporation shall,  upon
request  of either the Committee or the Trustee, furnish each  of
the Committee and the Trustee with such reasonable information as
each  of  the  Committee or the Trustee shall deem  necessary  or
appropriate  to carry out the intent and purposes of  the  Trust,
and  each  of the Committee and the Trustee shall be entitled  to
rely   conclusively   on  the  information  received   from   the
Corporation,  unless, in the case of the Trustee,  the  Committee
has  informed  the  Trustee  in  writing  not  to  rely  on  such

    Section 2.3.     Irrevocable; Not Subject to Creditor Claims.
Subject to the provisions of Section 9.2 hereof, this Trust shall
be  irrevocable.  In addition, the Fund shall not be  subject  to
the claims of the creditors of the Corporation in a bankruptcy or
other insolvency proceeding under Federal or state law, but shall
be  maintained for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to
Participants under the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.

    Section  2.4.      Secured Interest; Separate Account.   Each
Participant  shall  have  a  secured  interest  in  the   Account
maintained in the Fund with respect to the benefits payable under
the  Supplemental  $uper  $aver Plus  Plan.   Each  Participant's
Account  will  be  maintained as a separate  account  within  the
meaning of Section 404(a)(5) of the Code.  The Corporation agrees
that during the existence of the Trust, the Corporation shall not
permit or cause, or amend this Agreement to permit or cause,  the
Fund,  or any part hereof, to be used for or diverted to purposes
other  than the payment of benefits under the Supplemental  $uper
$aver Plus Plan to Participants and their Beneficiaries.

                           ARTICLE III

     Section 3.1.   Fund and Accounts.

          (a)   The  Fund under this Trust shall consist of  such
     sums  of  money or other property (and the earnings thereon)
     as  shall  from  time to time be paid or  delivered  to  the
     Trustee  and  held  by  it pursuant to  the  terms  of  this
     Agreement.   Simultaneously  with  the  execution  of   this
     Agreement,   the  Corporation  shall  deposit  TWENTY   NINE
     shall become the initial principal of the Fund.


          (b)   At  the  time  the Corporation makes  an  initial
     contribution to the Trust with respect to the benefits of  a
     Participant, it shall notify the Trustee of such fact and an
     Account  shall be established by the Trustee under the  Fund
     with   respect  to  such  Participant  and  the  amount   so
     contributed or directed to be allocated shall be credited to
     such  Account.  Any subsequent contributions  to  the  Trust
     with  respect to the benefits of such Participant also shall
     be  credited to such Account.  The Corporation shall provide
     the   Trustee  with  such  information  or  reports  as  are
     necessary  to credit contributions to the Account maintained
     with  respect to each Participant in accordance with Section
     4.3 hereof.

     Section   3.2.     Written   Certifications   Provided    by
Corporation  to  the Trustee.  Subject to this Section  3.2,  the
Trustee  shall have responsibility for the maintenance of Account
records,  including, without limitation, the  responsibility  for
making  determinations regarding the adjustment of such  Accounts
under  Section  3.4  hereof.  The Corporation shall  provide  the
Trustee from time to time, but not less frequently than annually,
with  written  certifications  pursuant  to  Section  4.3  hereof
concerning  the  amount  and form of  benefits  payable  to  each
Participant under the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan and  the
time or times when such benefits shall become payable.  Each such
certification shall state that it is made in accordance with  the
terms  of the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan under the  Plan,
is  binding  on the Trustee, and may not be modified, amended  or
rescinded  in  any  manner whatsoever,  except  by  a  subsequent
certification which complies with the requirements of Section 4.3
hereof.  The Trustee shall not be bound by, and shall ignore, any
such certification which does not comply with the requirements of
Section   4.3  hereof.   The  Trustee  shall  make  payments   to
Participants  and Beneficiaries strictly in accordance  with  the
terms  of Section 4.4 hereof and shall have no responsibility  or
duty  to  evaluate  such  certifications or  other  reports  with
respect  to their validity, accuracy or completeness or  to  make
any  inquiry regarding the data or information contained therein.
If  the  Corporation  does  not  provide  the  Trustee  with  the
information  necessary to establish an Account pursuant  to  this
Section 3.2 and Section 4.3 hereof, the Trustee shall deposit any
contributions for which it has not received information into  the
Expense  Account,  and  shall maintain the contributions  in  the
Expense Account until it has received such information.

     Section  3.3.    Benefits  Payable.  Any  benefits  becoming
payable  under  the  Supplemental $uper  $aver  Plus  Plan  to  a
Participant  or  Beneficiary shall be  paid  from  the  Fund  and
charged  against  the  Account maintained  with  respect  to  the
benefits of such Participant.  No payment shall be made from  the
Fund  to or with respect to a Participant to the extent that such
payment  would exceed the balance then remaining in  the  Account
maintained with respect to such Participant.

     Section  3.4.    Account Adjustment.  As of  each  Valuation
Date, and based upon the results of its valuation of the Fund  as
of  such Valuation Date, the Trustee shall adjust each Account to
reflect  the  realized and unrealized gains and  losses  and  the
income  and  expenses of the Fund on an accrual basis  since  the
preceding Valuation Date.  Such adjustments shall be made on  the
basis  of the relative balance in each Account immediately  after
the  adjustment made as of the preceding Valuation Date,  reduced
by  any  benefits charged thereto under Section 3.3 hereof  since
such  preceding Valuation Date, and increased by any contribution
made  to  the  Fund under Sections 3.8 and 4.1 hereof  since  the
preceding  Valuation Date.  As of any date other than a Valuation
Date,  the  balance of any Account shall be the balance  of  such
Account  as  of  the  preceding Valuation Date,  reduced  by  any
benefit  payments charged thereto under Section 3.3 hereof  since
the  preceding  Valuation Date and increased by any contributions
credited  thereto  under Sections 3.8 and 4.1  hereof  since  the
preceding Valuation Date.


     Section  3.5.    Maintenance of Accounts.  Once established,
an  Account  shall be maintained with respect to the benefits  of
each   Participant   until   it  has  been   liquidated   through
distribution to the Participant, or a Beneficiary thereof.

     Section 3.6.   Taxability of the Trust and the Participants.

          (a)   It  is  intended that the Trust not constitute  a
     "grantor trust" under Sections 671 through 679 of the  Code,
     and, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to  the
     contrary,  the  Corporation, as the grantor  of  the  Trust,
     shall  not possess any power under this Agreement that would
     cause  the  Trust to constitute a "grantor  trust."   It  is
     intended  that the Trust constitute a taxable  entity  under
     Sections 641 et. seq. of the Code.  Accordingly, the Trustee
     acknowledges  and  agrees that the Corporation  is  not  the
     owner   of  the  Trust  for  Federal  income  tax  purposes.
     Notwithstanding  any  provision of  this  Agreement  to  the
     contrary, none of the powers granted to the Trustee shall be
     construed  to enable the Corporation, the Trustee or  anyone
     else,  to buy, exchange or otherwise deal with the Fund  for
     less  than  adequate  and  full consideration  in  money  or
     money's worth, or to enable the Corporation, the Trustee  or
     any  entity in which the Corporation, the Trustee, or  both,
     have  a  substantial  interest, to  borrow  from  the  Fund,
     directly   or  indirectly,  without  adequate  interest   or
     security; no one but the Trustee (or the Investment Manager)
     may vote or direct the vote of any corporate shares or other
     securities  of the Trust, or control the Trust's investments
     or  reinvestments  by substituting other property  of  equal
     value; the Trustee is not required to surrender Trust assets
     upon  being  tendered substitute assets, regardless  of  the
     relative values of the assets involved.

                (b)  The Trust is a funded trust and, as such, it
     is  intended  that each Participant in respect  of  whom  an
     Account  is  maintained be taxed in accordance with  Section
     402(b)  of  the  Code.  Consequently, contributions  to  the
     Trust   by   the  Corporation  shall  be  taxable   to   the
     Participants  in  accordance with Section 402(b)(1)  of  the
     Code.   (The  Corporation shall take  a  deduction  for  the
     amount  of  such  contributions, for United  States  federal
     income tax purposes, in accordance with Section 404(a)(5) of
     the  Code.)   Except as is necessary to satisfy the  Trust's
     obligation upon a distribution to withhold taxes and to  pay
     over   such  withheld  amounts  to  the  appropriate  taxing
     authorities,  the  Trust shall not have  any  obligation  or
     liability  for  the payment of any income, estate,  gift  or
     employment taxes payable by a Participant or Beneficiary, or
     the estate of a Participant or Beneficiary, with respect  to
     benefits  payable  under the Supplemental $uper  $aver  Plus
     Plan.   The  Trustee  shall have the sole responsibility  to
     file any tax returns, reports or other information as may be
     required  by  any Federal, state, local or other  taxing  or
     governmental authority with respect to the Trust, its income
     and    distributions   and   withholding   therefrom.    The
     Corporation  shall be liable for the payment  of  employment
     taxes  due  as  a  result  of  contributions  made  by   the
     Corporation  on behalf of a Participant (and the  filing  of
     any  tax  returns, reports or other information as  required
     with respect to such payments).


     Section  3.7.    Accumulation/Distribution of Trust  Income.
All  of  the  income  and gain derived from  the  Fund  shall  be
accumulated  and  allocated to the Accounts of  the  Participants
pursuant  to  Section  3.4 hereof; provided,  however,  that  the
Committee  shall  have  the  right,  in  its  sole  and  absolute
discretion,  to  instruct the Trustee  to  distribute  all  or  a
portion of such income and gain from the Participants' respective
Accounts to the Participants.

     Section  3.8.   Contributions by the Corporation for  Income
Taxes.   If  the  income and gain derived by  the  Trust  in  any
taxable year is subject to United States Federal, state or  local
income  tax  (e.g.,  because the Committee  has  elected  not  to
distribute such income and gain to the Participants) the  Trustee
shall  pay  such income taxes from the Fund except to the  extent
that the Corporation contributes to the Trust an amount to enable
the  Trustee to pay such income taxes.  To the extent such  taxes
are  paid from the Fund, the Accounts shall be reduced on a  pro-
rata basis.

                           ARTICLE IV

      Section 4.1.   Contributions to the Trust.  The Corporation
may make such contributions to the Trust as it shall determine in
its  sole  and  absolute  discretion, are  necessary  to  provide
benefits  to the Participants under the Supplemental $uper  $aver
Plus  Plan and for the Trust to pay any income taxes due  on  its
income   and   gain   (as  provided  in  Section   3.8   hereof).
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  herein,  no
person,  including, without limitation, the Trustee, the Actuary,
any   Participant  or  former  Participant,  or  any  Beneficiary
thereof, shall have the right to require the Corporation to  make
any  contribution  to the Trust or to question  the  accuracy  or
correctness of any amounts so contributed.

     Section  4.2.   Provision of Benefits is Binding  Obligation
of  Corporation.  Except to the extent that benefits to  which  a
Participant,  or the Beneficiary thereof, is entitled  under  the
Supplemental  $uper $aver Plus Plan are actually  paid  from  the
Fund,  nothing  contained  in this Agreement  shall  relieve  the
Corporation of its obligations under the Supplemental $uper $aver
Plus Plan to or with respect to such Participant.


     Section    4.3.     Provision   of   Reports   and   Written
Certifications   by  the  Corporation  to   the   Trustee.    The
Corporation  shall maintain, and furnish the Trustee  with,  such
reports, documents, and information as shall be required  by  the
Trustee  to  carry  out  its obligations  under  this  Agreement,
including, without limitation, written reports setting forth  the
identity   of   Participants  with  respect  to  whose   benefits
contributions  are  made  to the Trust and  the  amount  of  such
contributions,   and   the   written   certifications   regarding
Participants' benefits described below.  At or about the time  an
Account  is  established  with  respect  to  the  benefits  of  a
Participant,  the Corporation shall furnish the  Trustee  with  a
written   certification  which  includes  the   amount   of   the
Participant's  benefits,  the time or  times  as  of  which  such
benefits shall become payable, the present value of such benefits
as  of  a  specific date or dates, any conditions which  must  be
satisfied in order for the Participant to become entitled to such
benefits,  and the identity of the Participant's Beneficiary  and
the specific conditions under which benefits shall become payable
to  such Beneficiary.  Such certifications may be revised by  the
Corporation at any time, and from time to time, to reflect, among
other   things,  entitlement  of  the  Participant  to  increased
benefits  or  an  earlier time of payment under the  Supplemental
$uper  $aver  Plus  Plan  and to reflect changes  in  Beneficiary
designations  by  the  Participant.  No  certification  shall  be
revised,  nor  shall the Trustee be bound by or  honor  any  such
revision, to decrease the benefits of a Participant or to  impose
additional  or  more  stringent  conditions  with  respect  to  a
Participant's eligibility for benefits.  The Trustee  shall  rely
on   the   most  recent  reports,  documents,  information,   and
certifications  furnished to it by the Corporation  which  comply
with the preceding sentence.

     Section 4.4.   Distributions to Participants.  At such  time
as  a Participant, or the Beneficiary thereof, is entitled to the
receipt of benefits from the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus  Plan,
he  or  she  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  from  the  Account
maintained with respect to such Participant the amount in cash or
property,  as  the case may be, to which he or  she  is  entitled
under  the terms of the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan taking
into  account  any  prior distributions made to  the  Participant
under  the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.  The Trustee  also
shall  make  payments  from  the  Fund  to  each  Participant  or
Beneficiary  entitled thereto under the Supplemental $uper  $aver
Plus  Plan  in  accordance with Section 3.7 hereof  upon  written
direction  from  the Committee.  All distributions  made  by  the
Trust  shall  be in accordance with the most recent certification
filed with the Trustee pursuant to and in compliance with Section
4.3  hereof promptly upon receipt of written direction  from  the
Corporation  or  upon  receipt  of  evidence  submitted  by   the
Participant satisfactory to the Trustee that the Participant  has
retired   or  otherwise  terminated  his  employment   with   the
Corporation, voluntarily or otherwise.  The Trustee shall not  be
required to engage in its own independent investigation regarding
any  such payment, but shall provide the Corporation with written
confirmation of the fact and amount of such payment after  it  is

                            ARTICLE V

     Section   5.1.     Determination   of   Corporation's   Fund
Contributions by Actuary.  The Actuary shall calculate from  time
to  time the amount of the contributions that it estimates should
be  made  to  the  Fund by the Corporation  for  the  purpose  to
accumulate funds to provide benefits under the Supplemental $uper
$aver Plus Plan; provided, however that, pursuant to Section  4.1
hereof,  the Corporation may determine, in its sole and  absolute
discretion,  whether, and to what extent, the  Corporation  shall
make contributions to the Fund.

      Section 5.2.   Resignation/Removal of Actuary.  The Actuary
may  resign  at  any  time  by  delivery  of  written  notice  of
resignation  to  the  Corporation.  Such resignation  shall  take
effect   as  of  a  future  date  specified  in  the  notice   of
resignation, which date shall not be earlier than the date ninety
(90)  days  after the day on which the notice is  received.   The
Actuary may be removed by the Corporation at any time by delivery
of  written notice of such removal to the Actuary.  Such  removal
shall take effect as of a future date specified in the notice  of
removal, which date shall not be earlier than the date sixty (60)
days  after  the  day on which the notice is  received,  or  such
earlier  date  as  may  be  agreed to  by  the  Actuary  and  the
Corporation.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event will any
such  resignation  or  removal  be effective  until  a  successor
Actuary  has  been  appointed upon such resignation  or  removal.
Upon  the Corporation's receipt of notice of such resignation  or
removal,  the Corporation shall appoint a successor  Actuary,  by
written instrument, to serve commencing on the effective date  of
the  former Actuary's resignation or removal.  If a successor  is
not appointed by the Corporation within sixty (60) days after the
issuance  of notice of the Actuary's resignation or removal,  the
Committee shall appoint the successor Actuary.


                           ARTICLE VI

     Section  6.1.   Fund Held in Trust.  The Fund shall be  held
in  trust by the Trustee.  The sole responsibilities, powers  and
duties  of  the Trustee with respect to the Trust  and  the  Fund
shall be as set forth in this Agreement.  The Trustee shall be  a
directed  trustee  only,  with  no  discretionary  authority   or
responsibility,  with respect to the Fund except  to  the  extent
that  it has discretion within investment guidelines provided  to
it in writing by the Committee.

     Section 6.2.   Types of Investments.

          (a)   Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  Section  6.4
     hereof, the Trustee shall invest and reinvest the assets  of
     the Trust, without distinction between principal and income,
     pursuant  to  investment guidelines delivered  to  it  in  a
     manner  which  has  the primary purpose of  preservation  of
     principal and liquidity of the Fund and, secondarily, to the
     extent  consistent with the goal to preserve  principal  and
     liquidity  of  the Fund, which maximizes the income  of  the
     Fund.   The  Trustee is expressly authorized to  invest  the
     Fund,  or  any  portion  thereof,  in  any  property,  real,
     personal  or  mixed, wherever situated, and whether  or  not
     productive  of  income  or  consisting  of  wasting  assets,
     including, without limitation, common and preferred  stocks,
     mutual   funds,   bonds,   notes,   debentures,   securities
     convertible   into   common  stock,  leaseholds,   mortgages
     (including,  without  limitation,  any  collective  or  part
     interest  in  any bond and mortgage or note  and  mortgage),
     interest bearing accounts and certificates of deposit,  oil,
     mineral  or gas properties, royalties, interests  or  rights
     (including  equipment pertaining thereto),  equipment  trust
     certificates,  investment trust certificates,  savings  bank
     deposits, and commercial paper, provided that the assets  of
     the Trust shall at no time be invested in the equity or debt
     securities,   whether   secured   or   unsecured,   of   the
     Corporation,  its  affiliates or its  trades  or  businesses
     except  to the extent such security may be held in a  mutual
     fund.  Pending such investment and reinvestment, the Trustee
     may  temporarily  invest  and reinvest  the  funds,  at  its
     discretion,  in any marketable short and medium  term  fixed
     income securities, United States Treasury Bills, other short
     and  medium  term government obligations, commercial  paper,
     other money market instruments and part interests in any one
     or  more  of the foregoing or money market mutual funds,  or
     may  maintain  cash balances consistent with  the  liquidity
     needs of the Trust as determined by the Trustee.


          (b)   The  Trustee  shall,  at  the  direction  of  the
     Committee, purchase life insurance and/or annuity  contracts
     providing  flexible funding or similar vehicles or  for  the
     investment  of assets in separate accounts invested  in  any
     securities   and  other  property  including  real   estate,
     regardless  of  whether or not the insurance  carrier  shall
     have  assumed any contractual or other liability as  to  the
     benefits  to  be provided thereunder, the value thereof,  or
     the  return  therefrom.  Such life insurance and/or  annuity
     contracts  shall be considered investments of the Trust  and
     all  rights,  privileges,  options and  elections  contained
     therein  shall  vest in the Trustee but shall be  exercised,
     assigned  or  otherwise  disposed  of  as  directed  by  the
     Committee.   The insurance carrier under any  such  contract
     shall  have  full  responsibility  for  the  management  and
     control of the assets held thereunder.

     Section 6.3.   Powers and Authority of Trustee.  In addition
to the powers elsewhere conferred upon the Trustee under this
Agreement and subject to Sections 6.2 and 6.4 hereof, the Trustee
shall be authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to exercise
any and all of the following rights, powers and privileges with
respect to any cash, securities or other properties held by the
Trustee in trust hereunder, acting in accordance with written
instructions received from the Committee:

          (a)   To  sell any such property at such time and  upon
     such  terms and conditions as the Trustee deems appropriate.
     Such sales may be public or private, for cash or credit, and
     may be made without notice or advertisement of any kind.

          (b)   To  exchange, mortgage, pledge or lease any  such
     property  and  to convey, transfer or dispose  of  any  such
     property  on such terms and conditions as the Trustee  deems

          (c)   To grant options for the sale, transfer, exchange
     or disposal of any such property.

          (d)   To  exercise all voting rights pertaining to  any
     securities; to consent to or request any action on the  part
     of the issuer of any such securities; and to give general or
     special proxies or powers of attorney with or without  power
     of substitution.

          (e)   To  consent  to or participate in  amalgamations,
     reorganizations, recapitalizations, consolidations, mergers,
     liquidations  or similar transactions with  respect  to  any
     securities,  and to accept and to hold any other  securities
     issued in connection therewith.

          (f)   To exercise any subscription rights or conversion
     privileges with respect to any securities held in the Fund.


          (g)  To collect and receive any and all money and other
     property  of  whatsoever  kind or nature  due  or  owing  or
     belonging  to  the  Fund  and to  give  full  discharge  and
     acquittance therefor; and to extend the time of  payment  of
     any  obligation at any time owing to the Fund,  as  long  as
     such  extension is for a reasonable period and continues  to
     bear reasonable interest.

          (h)   To cause any securities or other property  to  be
     registered in, or transferred to, the individual name of the
     Trustee  or  in the name of one or more of its nominees,  or
     one  or  more  nominees of any system  for  the  centralized
     handling  of  securities, or it may retain them unregistered
     and  in form permitting transferability by delivery, but the
     books and records of the Trust shall at all times show  that
     all such investments are a part of the Fund.

          (i)   To  organize  under  the  laws  of  any  state  a
     corporation  for the purpose of acquiring and holding  title
     to  any  property which the Trustee is authorized to acquire
     under  this  Agreement and to exercise with respect  thereto
     any or all of the powers set forth in this Agreement.

          (j)   To  manage,  operate, repair,  improve,  develop,
     preserve, mortgage or lease for any period any real property
     or  any  oil, mineral or gas properties, royalties, interest
     or  rights  held by it directly or through any  corporation,
     either  alone or by joining with others, using  other  Trust
     assets  for any of such purposes; to modify, extend,  renew,
     waive  or  otherwise adjust any or all of the provisions  of
     any  such  mortgage  or  lease; and to  make  provision  for
     amortization  of  the investment in or depreciation  of  the
     value of such property.

          (k)   To  settle, compromise, or submit to  arbitration
     any  claims,  debts or damages due or owing to or  from  the
     Trust;  to  commence  or defend suits or  legal  proceedings
     whenever,  in  its  judgment,  any  interest  of  the  Trust
     requires  it;  and to represent the Trust in  all  suits  or
     legal  proceedings in any court of law or equity  or  before
     any  other  body  or  tribunal, insofar  as  such  suits  or
     proceedings relate to any property forming part of the  Fund
     or to the administration of the Fund.

          (l)   To  borrow  money from itself or others  for  the
     purposes of the Trust.

          (m)   To purchase, hold and sell interests or units  of
     participation  in  any  collective  or  common  trust   fund
     established  by the Trustee, including any such funds  which
     may be established in the future.

          (n)  Generally to do all acts, whether or not expressly
     authorized  which the Trustee deems necessary or appropriate
     to  perform  its  duties and discharge its  responsibilities
     under this Agreement.


          (o)   To  retain the services of outside legal  counsel
     and/or other professionals as may be necessary to assist  it
     in  connection with the administration of the  Trust  and/or
     management  or conservation of the Fund's assets,  including
     defending  the  Trust  from  attack,  claims  or  litigation
     regarding its assets.

          (p)  To pay expenses of the Trust that are incurred  in
     connection  with the administration of the Trust and/or  the
     management of the Fund's assets.

     Section 6.4.   Investment of Fund by Investment Manager.

          (a)   Appointment of Investment Manager.  The Committee
     may  appoint one or more Investment Managers, which  may  be
     the  Trustee  or  an  affiliate of the  Trustee,  to  manage
     (including the power to acquire and dispose of) all  or  any
     of   the  assets  of  the  Fund.   In  the  event  of   such
     appointment,  the Committee shall establish the  portion  of
     the  assets  of  the  Fund  that shall  be  subject  to  the
     management  of any such Investment Manager and shall  notify
     the  Trustee in writing of such appointment and  the  assets
     subject  to the Investment Manager's discretion.   If  there
     shall  be  more than one Investment Manager, the portion  of
     the  Fund  to  be  invested by each such Investment  Manager
     shall  be  held  in a separate account and  the  powers  and
     authority  of each such Investment Manager shall be  divided
     as  set  forth in the instruments appointing such Investment
     Managers.   To  the  maximum extent permitted  by  law,  the
     Trustee  shall be protected in assuming that the appointment
     of  an  Investment  Manager remains in effect  until  it  is
     otherwise  notified  by  the  Committee  in  writing.   With
     respect  to the assets over which an Investment Manager  has
     investment  responsibility,  the  Investment  Manager  shall
     possess  all  of  the investment powers and responsibilities
     granted  to  the Committee hereunder, and the Trustee  shall
     invest and reinvest such assets pursuant to the direction of
     the  Investment Manager.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  to
     the  extent  so  provided  in  the  document  by  which  the
     Investment  Manager accepts its appointment,  the  Committee

               (i)   Direct  the Investment Manager that  certain
          investments or types of investments shall  be  made  or

               (ii)  Direct  the Investment Manager that  certain
          investments or types of investments not be made; and

               (iii)      Require  that  the  Investment  Manager
          obtain  approval from the Committee prior to  acquiring
          or disposing of all or any assets under its control.

          (b)   Successor Investment Manager.  The Committee  may
     terminate  its appointment of an Investment Manager  at  any
     time  and  shall  in  writing notify  the  Trustee  of  such
     termination,   and  may  thereafter  appoint   a   successor
     Investment  Manager in the same manner as provided  in  this
     Section  6.4.   Such  successor  Investment  Manager   shall
     thereafter,  until its appointment shall be  terminated,  be
     deemed to be an Investment Manager for all purposes of  this
     Agreement.   In the event that a Committee does  not  exist,
     the  Trustee shall terminate any Investment Manager that  is
     not  an  affiliate  of  the Trustee  and  shall  immediately
     appoint  its affiliate, Evergreen Investments, as Investment


          (c)   Affect  of Appointment of Investment  Manager  on
     Trustee.   So long as an Investment Manager (other than  the
     Trustee  or one of its affiliates) is serving as  such,  the
     Trustee  shall be under no duty or obligation to review  the
     assets  comprising any portion of the Fund  managed  by  the
     Investment Manager, to make any recommendations with respect
     to  the  investment or reinvestment thereof, or to determine
     whether  any direction received from any Investment  Manager
     is  proper  or  within  the terms of this  Agreement  or  to
     monitor  the  activities  of any  Investment  Manager.   The
     Trustee  shall  have no liability or responsibility  to  the
     Corporation,  the  Committee or  any  persons  claiming  any
     interest  in  the  Fund for acting without question  on  the
     direction  of, or for failing to act in the absence  of  any
     direction  from,  the  Committee or any  Investment  Manager
     unless  the Trustee participated knowingly in, or  knowingly
     undertook to conceal, an act or omission of the Committee or
     of  any  Investment Manager constituting  a  breach  of  its
     duties  hereunder, knowing such act or omission was a breach
     of  such  duties; provided, however, that the Trustee  shall
     not  be deemed to have "participated" in a breach (i) by the
     Committee  or to have "knowledge" of any such  breach  as  a
     result of accepting any property contributed to the Trust in
     the  Corporation's discretion or retaining such property  as
     an investment for the Fund at the Committee's direction; and
     (ii)  by  the  Committee or any Investment Manager  for  the
     purposes  of  this undertaking solely as  a  result  of  the
     performance  by  the Trustee or its officers,  employees  or
     agents   of   any   custodial,  reporting,  recording,   and
     bookkeeping functions with respect to any assets of the Fund
     managed by any Investment Manager, or with respect to  which
     the  Trustee has received directions from the Committee,  or
     solely   as   a  result  of  settling  purchase   and   sale
     transactions  entered  into or directed  by  any  Investment
     Manager or the Committee, or to have "knowledge" of any such
     breach solely as a result of the information received by the
     Trustee  or its officers, employees or agents in the  normal
     course  in  performing  such  functions,  or  settling  such
     transactions.   If  the Trustee has actual  knowledge  of  a
     breach committed by an Investment Manager, it shall promptly
     notify  the  Committee in writing thereof, and the  Trustee,
     except as required by applicable law, shall thereafter  have
     no responsibility to remedy such breach.

     Section  6.5.    Making Benefit Payments Upon Retirement  or
Employment Termination.  Upon receipt of (i) direction  from  the
Corporation consistent with certifications theretofore  delivered
to  the  Trustee pursuant to Section 4.3 hereof or (ii)  evidence
submitted by a Participant satisfactory to the Trustee  that  the
Participant  has retired or otherwise terminated  his  employment
with  the  Corporation, the Trustee shall promptly  make  benefit
payments  by  its  check,  mailed to the  payee  at  the  address
furnished  to  the  Trustee in accordance with  the  most  recent
certifications theretofore furnished to the Trustee with  respect
to  the Participant.  Taxes withheld from benefit payments  shall
be  paid  by  the Trustee to the appropriate taxing  authorities.
All  returns,  records and forms required to be  filed  with  the
Federal, state and local taxing authorities or delivered to  each
Participant  and Beneficiary shall be the sole responsibility  of
the  Trustee.   All  income taxes required to  be  paid  by  each
Participant  (and  any returns, records and forms  required  with
respect  to such taxes) shall be the sole responsibility of  such


     Section  6.6.    Deposit of Contributions by  Trustee.   The
Trustee shall accept for deposit in the Fund all contributions in
cash  made  by  the  Corporation under this Agreement  and  shall
promptly acknowledge receipt of same.  The Trustee shall have  no
responsibility  to  determine  or to  question  the  accuracy  or
correctness of any amounts so contributed.

      Section 6.7.   Dealings with the Trustee.  Persons  dealing
with  the  Trustee shall be under no obligation  to  see  to  the
proper application of any money paid or property delivered to the
Trustee  or  to inquire into the Trustee's authority  as  to  any

     Section 6.8.   Use of Fund Assets to Pay Trust Expenses.  If
the  amount  in the Expense Account is insufficient  to  pay  the
expenses of the Trust, the Trustee may, in its discretion  or  at
the  discretion of the Committee, use assets of the  Fund  (other
than  those deposited in the Expense Account) to pay the expenses
of  the  Trust, including, without limitation, any (i)  legal  or
other  professional  expenses incurred  in  connection  with  the
management, protection or conservation of the assets of the  Fund
and (ii) insurance premiums that may be incurred with respect  to
any  fiduciary  liability insurance that may be obtained  by  the
Trust  to cover potential claims for indemnification that may  be
made by members of the Committee pursuant to Section 10.3 hereof.

                           ARTICLE VII
                      DUTIES OF THE TRUSTEE

     Section 7.1.   General Duties of the Trustee.

                (a)   It  shall  be the duty of  the  Trustee  to
     protect  and conserve all property received by it  hereunder
     which,  together  with the income and  gains  therefrom  and
     additions  thereto, shall constitute the Fund.  The  Trustee
     shall  manage,  invest and reinvest the  Fund,  collect  the
     income  thereof, and make payments therefrom, all as  herein

          (b)   The  Trustee shall discharge its duties with  the
     care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances
     then prevailing that a prudent man acting in a like capacity
     and  familiar with such matters would use in the conduct  of
     an  enterprise of a like character and with like aims,  and,
     in  accordance with the documents and instruments  governing
     the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan and the Trust.

     Section  7.2.   Valuation of Fund.  The Trustee shall  value
the  Fund as of each Valuation Date at current fair market  value
and  shall report the results of such valuation to the Committee.
The Trustee shall value the assets of the Trust at market and  on
such  other basis or bases (including, without limitation,  cost)
as  the Committee shall reasonably request.  The market value  of
the  assets  shall be equal to the market value of the securities
and  other assets in the Fund, plus cash, interest, dividends and
other sums received and accrued but not yet invested.  The market
value  of  the securities and other assets in the Fund  shall  be
based  on  such  market quotations and other information  as  are
available  to the Trustee and as may in the Trustee's  discretion
be appropriate.


     Section 7.3.   Reports and Records.  The Trustee shall:

          (a)    Keep  accurate  and  detailed  accounts  of  all
     investments,  receipts, disbursements and other transactions
     in  the  Fund  as  it shall deem necessary and  proper  with
     respect  to  its  administration of the  Trust,  and  permit
     inspection of such accounts, records and assets of the Trust
     by  any  duly  authorized representative of the Corporation,
     the  members  of  the  Committee or the Participants  during
     regular business hours.

          (b)  Within sixty (60) days (or such shorter period  of
     time  as the Corporation shall reasonably request) following
     the  close  of  the  accounting  year,  and  at  such  other
     intervals  as  are  mutually agreed to by the  Trustee,  the
     Corporation and the Committee, the Trustee shall  file  with
     the  Corporation, the Committee and, unless the  Corporation
     otherwise  directs  in writing, the Participants  a  written
     account  with  respect to the transactions effected  by  the
     Trustee  during such accounting year or other  period.   The
     Corporation and the Committee shall file written objections,
     if  any, with respect to the propriety of the Trustee's acts
     and  transactions shown in such account within a  period  of
     ninety  (90)  days from the date of filing  such  annual  or
     other account.  If within ninety (90) days after the receipt
     of the account or any amended account the Corporation or the
     Committee has not signed and returned a counterpart  to  the
     Trustee,  nor filed with the Trustee notice of any objection
     to  any  act  or transaction of the Trustee, the account  or
     amended  account shall become an account settled as  between
     the  Trustee  and the Corporation and/or the Committee.   If
     any  objection has been filed, and if the Corporation and/or
     the  Committee are satisfied that it should be withdrawn  or
     if  the  account  is  adjusted to  their  satisfaction,  the
     Corporation and/or the Committee shall in writing filed with
     the  Trustee signify their approval of the account, and  the
     account  shall  become  an account settled  as  between  the
     Trustee and the Corporation and the Committee.

          When  an  account  becomes  an  account  settled,  such
     account  shall be finally settled, and the Trustee shall  be
     completely  discharged and released, as if such account  had
     been  settled and allowed by a judgment or decree of a court
     of  competent  jurisdiction in an action  or  proceeding  in
     which  the Trustee, the Corporation, the Committee  and  all
     persons having or claiming to have any interest in the  Fund
     or  under  the  Supplemental  $uper  $aver  Plus  Plan  were

          The  Trustee,  the Corporation or the  Committee  shall
     have  the right to apply at any time to a court of competent
     jurisdiction for judicial settlement of any account  of  the
     Trustee not previously settled as hereinabove provided.   In
     any  such action or proceeding it shall be necessary to join
     as  parties  only  the  Trustee,  the  Corporation  and  the
     Committee (although the Trustee may also join other  parties
     as it deems appropriate), and any judgment or decree entered
     therein shall be conclusive.

          (c)   Make such periodic reports to the Corporation and
     the  Committee as may be mutually agreed to by the  Trustee,
     the Corporation and the Committee, as applicable.


          (d)   Prepare and timely file such tax returns and such
     other  reports and documents, together with supporting  data
     and  schedules,  as may be required of the Trustee  by  law,
     with any taxing authority or any other government authority,
     whether local, state or Federal.

          (e)   Provide the Participants with copies of all  such
     reports, returns, filing and documents required by law,  and
     provide the Corporation each year with any necessary reports
     or  documents  in  sufficient time for  the  Corporation  to
     finalize the preparation and issuance of Form W-2's  to  the
     Participants on or before January 31 of the respective year.

     Section 7.4.   No Duty to Advance Funds or to Administer the
Supplemental  $uper $aver Plus Plan.  The Trustee shall  have  no
obligation to advance its own funds for the purpose of fulfilling
its responsibilities under this Agreement, and its obligation  to
incur  expenses shall at all times be limited to amounts  in  the
Trust  available to be applied toward such expenses.  The Trustee
shall  not  be  responsible in any respect for administering  the
Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan.

     Section  7.5.   Resignation/Removal of Trustee.  The Trustee
may  resign  at  any  time  by  delivery  of  written  notice  of
resignation to the Committee.  Such resignation shall take effect
as of a future date specified in the notice of resignation, which
date  shall  not be earlier than the date ninety (90) days  after
the day on which the notice is received, or such earlier date  as
may  be agreed to by the Trustee and the Committee.  In addition,
the  Trustee  may  be removed by the Committee  at  any  time  by
delivery of written notice of such removal to the Trustee.   Such
removal  shall take effect as of a future date specified  in  the
notice of removal, which date shall not be earlier than the  date
sixty (60) days after the day on which the notice is received, or
such  earlier  date as may be agreed to by the  Trustee  and  the

     Upon  the  Committee's receipt of notice of such resignation
or  removal, the Committee shall appoint a successor  Trustee  by
written instrument, to serve commencing on the effective date  of
the  former Trustee's resignation or removal.  If a successor  is
not  appointed by the Committee within sixty (60) days after  the
issuance  of notice of the Trustee's resignation or removal,  the
Trustee  may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction  for  the
appointment of his or its successor.  All expenses of the Trustee
in  connection  with  the  proceeding  shall  be  allowed  as  an
administration expense of the Trust.  The Trustee shall  continue
to  serve  until  a  successor accepts  the  Trust  and  receives
delivery  of  the  Fund.  The appointment of a successor  Trustee
shall  be  effective when accepted in writing by the new Trustee.
Upon  the successor Trustee's acceptance of appointment and after
the  final  account of the former Trustee has been  settled,  the
former  Trustee  shall  transfer and deliver  the  Fund  to  such
successor.   The  former  Trustee shall exercise  any  instrument
necessary  or  reasonably  required  by  the  Committee  or   the
successor Trustee to evidence the transfer.  Moreover, the former
Trustee  shall deliver to the successor Trustee the originals  of
all reports, records, documents, and other written information in
its  possession regarding the Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan,
the  Fund, and the Participants and shall deliver copies  thereof
to  the Committee and to a person designated by a majority of the
persons  who are Participants (or the Beneficiary of  a  deceased
Participant)  on  the date of such resignation  or  removal,  and
thereupon shall be entitled to all unpaid compensation, fees  and
reimbursements to which it is entitled under this  Agreement  and
shall  be relieved of all responsibilities and duties under  this


     All  of the provisions set forth herein with respect to  the
Trustee  shall relate to each successor with the same  force  and
effect  as  if  such  successor had been originally  named  as  a
Trustee  hereunder.  Any successor Trustee shall  have  the  same
powers,  rights and duties as its predecessor and shall have  the
same title to the Fund as its predecessor.

     The  successor  Trustee  need not examine  the  records  and
accounts  of any prior Trustee.  The successor Trustee shall  not
be  responsible  for,  and the Corporation  shall  indemnify  and
defend  the  successor  Trustee  from,  any  claim  or  liability
resulting  from  any action or inaction of any prior  Trustee  or
from  any other past event, or any condition existing at the time
it becomes successor Trustee.

                          ARTICLE VIII
                    COMPENSATION, IMMUNITIES

     Section  8.1.    Trustee  Compensation  and  Expenses.   The
Trustee  shall be entitled to such compensation and fees for  its
services  under this Agreement as shall be agreed upon from  time
to  time  with the Corporation.  Likewise, the Corporation  shall
reimburse the Trustee for any expenses incurred by it, including,
but  not limited to, all proper charges and disbursements of  the
Trustee, and reasonable fees for legal services rendered  to  the
Trustee (whether or not rendered in connection with a judicial or
administrative   proceeding).   Such   compensation,   fees   and
reimbursement shall be paid to the Trustee pursuant to the  terms
set  forth  at Section 8.2 hereof.  The Trustee's entitlement  to
compensation,  fees  or  reimbursement  hereunder  shall  not  be
affected  by  the resignation or removal of the  Trustee  or  the
termination of the Trust.

     Section  8.2.   Expense Account.  The Corporation  may  from
time  to  time make contributions to the Fund to be  held  in  an
Expense Account and to be utilized to pay the compensation,  fees
and  expenses of the Trustee and the Committee and other expenses
of the Trust.  To the extent that there are monies in the Expense
Account,  the  Trustee  shall utilize such  Expense  Account  for
payment of the compensation, fees and expenses of the Trustee and
the  Committee,  for payment of the indemnities  referred  to  in
Sections  8.4  and  10.3 hereof, and for other  expenses  of  the
Trust,  and,  in  the  absence of sufficient monies,  shall  seek
reimbursement  from  the Corporation.   In  the  event  that  the
Corporation  shall  fail  or refuse to  make  such  reimbursement
within  sixty  (60) days of demand, the Trustee may satisfy  such
obligations out of the other assets of the Fund in such manner as
the  Trustee deems to be reasonable in the circumstances,  taking
into  account the amount of liquid assets, the anticipated  needs
to  make  distributions  to Participants  (or  the  Beneficiaries
thereof),  and such other factors as the Trustee deems  relevant.
If  the  Trustee satisfies any obligations of the Corporation  to
pay  fees  and  expenses from other Fund assets, the  Corporation
shall  immediately upon demand by the Trustee  deposit  into  the
Trust  an amount of cash equal to the amount paid from such  Fund
assets  if,  at  that time, the Trustee could  not  replace  such
assets with a cash amount equal to the liquidation value of  such
assets.   If such funds are not deposited within sixty (60)  days
of  such  demand,  the  Trustee may, in  its  sole  and  absolute
discretion,  commence legal action against  the  Corporation  for
recovery  of  the  amount paid out of the Fund.   Notwithstanding
anything  herein to the contrary, no amount held in  the  Expense
Account  shall  be  used  for  purposes  other  than  paying  the
compensation, fees and expenses of the Trustee and the  Committee
and other expenses of the Trust, and shall not be distributed  to
or  for  the  benefit of the Participants (or  the  Beneficiaries


      Section  8.3.    Immunities.  The Trustee  shall  have  the
following privileges and immunities:

          (a)   The  Corporation and the Committee shall  furnish
     the   Trustee   with   instruments  evidencing   individuals
     designated by the Corporation or the Committee, as the  case
     may be, who are empowered to give directions, statements, or
     certificates to the Trustee.  A written direction, statement
     or  certificate to the Trustee signed by any such individual
     shall   be   deemed  to  be  the  direction,  statement   or
     certificate of the Corporation or the Committee, as the case
     may  be,  and  the  Trustee may rely upon  such  directions,
     statements, or certificates to the extent not prohibited  by
     law.   The  Corporation and the Committee shall furnish  the
     Trustee  from  time to time with instruments evidencing  the
     termination   of   such  designated   individuals   or   the
     appointment  of  new  such designated  individuals  and  the
     Trustee  shall be entitled to rely upon such instruments  as
     evidence  of  the identity and authority of such  designated
     individuals  and  shall not be charged with  notice  of  any
     change  with  respect thereto until the Corporation  or  the
     Committee,  as  the case may be, has furnished  the  Trustee
     with instruments relative to such change.

          (b)   The Trustee is authorized to seek the advice  of,
     and  consult with, legal counsel with respect to any  matter
     involving  the Trust.  Such counsel may, but need  not,   be
     legal  counsel  to  the Corporation.  The Trustee  shall  be
     entitled to rely on the advice of legal counsel with respect
     to  any  matter involving the Trust.  The Trustee  may  also
     from  time  to time employ agents and expert assistants  and
     delegate to them such ministerial duties it may see fit.  In
     the  event  that the Trustee does delegate such  ministerial
     duties, it shall periodically review the performance of  the
     person  to  whom  these  duties have  been  delegated.   The
     Trustee shall be reimbursed by the Corporation for all costs
     arising from the employ of legal counsel, agents and  expert
     assistants  pursuant to the terms set forth at  Section  8.2

     Section 8.4.   Indemnity of the Trustee.

          (a)   The Corporation hereby indemnifies and holds  the
     Trustee  harmless  from  and against  any  and  all  losses,
     damages,   costs,   expenses   or   liabilities,   including
     reasonable  fees  for  legal services  and  other  costs  of
     litigation, to which the Trustee may become subject pursuant
     to,  arising  out of, occasioned by, incurred in  connection
     with,   or  in  any  way  associated  with  this  Agreement,
     including  any  reasonable discretionary  action  which  the
     Trustee  may  take under the Trust, except for  any  act  or
     omission constituting gross negligence or willful misconduct
     of  the Trustee.  If one or more liabilities shall arise, or
     if  the  Corporation  fails  to  indemnify  the  Trustee  as
     provided  herein,  or  both, then  the  Trustee  may  engage
     counsel  of  the Trustee's choice, but at the  Corporation's
     expense,   either  to  conduct  the  defense  against   such
     liabilities, or to conduct such actions as may be  necessary
     to obtain the indemnity provided for herein, or to take both
     such  actions.   The  Trustee shall notify  the  Corporation
     within  fifteen  (15)  days after the  Trustee  has  engaged
     counsel of the name and address of such counsel.


                 (b)   If  the  Trustee  shall  be  entitled   to
     indemnification by the Corporation pursuant to this  Section
     8.4,   and   the   Corporation  shall   not   provide   such
     indemnification  upon  demand, the  Trustee  may  apply  the
     assets  of  the Fund in full satisfaction of the obligations
     for  indemnity by the Corporation, and any legal  proceeding
     by   the   Trustee   against  the   Corporation   for   such
     indemnification shall be in behalf of the Trust.

      Section  8.5.    Determination of Interests  in  the  Fund,
Enforcement of Trust and Legal Proceedings.  The interest of  the
Participants (and the Beneficiaries thereof) in the Fund shall be
determined in accordance with the terms of the Supplemental $uper
$aver  Plus Plan under the Plan.  The Trustee shall have no  duty
to  question  any  direction  given by  the  Corporation  or  the
Committee  to  the Trustee, including any direction advising  the
Trustee  as to such interests under the Supplemental $uper  $aver
Plus   Plan.   The  Corporation  and  the  Committee  shall  have
authority  to enforce this Agreement.  To protect the  Fund  from
the  expenses which might otherwise be incurred, no person  other
than  the  Corporation or the Committee may institute or maintain
any action or proceeding against the Trustee or the Fund, or join
in  any  such  action  or proceeding, in the absence  of  written
authorization  by the Corporation or the Committee.    Except  as
otherwise  provided  in  this  Section  8.5,  in  any  action  or
proceeding  affecting the Fund, the only necessary parties  shall
be  the Corporation, the Committee and the Trustee, and no  other
person shall be entitled to any notice or process.

                           ARTICLE IX

     Section  9.1.   Amendment of Agreement.  By a duly executed,
written  instrument delivered to the Trustee and acknowledged  in
the  same form as this Agreement, the Corporation shall have  the
right  at  any time and from time to time to amend this Agreement
in   whole   or  in  part,  except  that:  (i)  the  duties   and
responsibilities  of the Trustee or the Committee  shall  not  be
increased,  and  the protections afforded to the Trustee  or  the
Committee  shall not be impaired without the written  consent  of
the  Trustee  or  the Committee, as the case  may  be;  (ii)  the
protection afforded with respect to obligations payable to or  on
behalf  of the Participants hereunder may not be impaired without
the  unanimous written consent of the Participants; and (iii) the
Corporation shall not have the power to revoke this Trust  or  to
revest  title in itself to the assets comprising the  Fund.   Any
such  amendment  shall  be effective upon (a)  delivery  of  such
amendment  to  the  Trustee and the Committee,  together  with  a
certified copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors of the
Corporation or of its Compensation Committee, as the case may be;
and (b) endorsement by each the Trustee and the Committee on such
instrument  upon  receipt  thereof, together  with  any  required
consent  or consents thereto.  No such amendment shall  adversely
affect  any  benefits accrued under the Supplemental $uper  $aver
Plus  Plan  with  respect to the Participants.   All  instruments
amending  this Agreement shall be noted upon or kept attached  to
the executed original of this Agreement.


     Section 9.2.   Termination of Agreement.  This Agreement may
not  be terminated until the liability of the Corporation for the
payment   of   all   benefits  to  all  Participants,   and   the
Beneficiaries thereof, has been satisfied in full or  until  such
time  as no funds remain on deposit in the Fund pursuant to  this
Agreement; provided, however, that with the written consent of  a
Participant,  or  the  Beneficiary  thereof,  the  Committee  may
terminate  this  Agreement  at any  time  with  respect  to  such
consenting Participant or Beneficiary.  Notwithstanding  anything
herein to the contrary, this Trust shall terminate no later  than
twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of all
of the Participants included in the original list of Participants
attached  hereto as Schedule A, and those persons now living  who
have  been  designated as Beneficiaries of such  Participants  in
accordance  with the terms of the Supplemental $uper  $aver  Plus

                            ARTICLE X
                          THE COMMITTEE

     Section 10.1.  Membership and Actions of the Committee.

          (a)   The  Committee shall at all times  consist  of  a
     minimum  of  three  (3) individuals, all of  whom  shall  be
     Participants of the Plan.  The initial Committee members are
     identified in Schedule B attached hereto.  Any member of the
     Committee  may  resign upon thirty (30) days  prior  written
     notice  to  the  Corporation.  Moreover, any member  of  the
     Committee may be removed at any time by the Corporation.

          (b)   In  the event of a vacancy on the Committee,  the
     other  member(s) of the Committee shall appoint a successor.
     In  the  event  that there is at any time no member  of  the
     Committee  then  in  office,  successor  members  shall   be
     appointed by the Corporation.

          (c)   Any  action  by the Committee shall  require  the
     written  approval of at least a majority of the  members  of
     the  Committee.   A  Committee member shall  not  be  liable
     hereunder for any act taken, or omitted to be taken, in good
     faith,  except  for  any act or omission constituting  gross
     negligence or willful misconduct by such Committee member.

          (d)   All  of  the  provisions set  forth  herein  with
     respect  to a member of the Committee shall relate  to  each
     successor  with  the  same  force  and  effect  as  if  such
     successor  had  been originally named as  a  member  of  the

          (e)  The Committee is authorized to seek the advice of,
     and  consult with, legal counsel with respect to any  matter
     involving  the Trust.  Such counsel may, but  need  not,  be
     legal  counsel to the Corporation.  The Committee  shall  be
     entitled to rely on the advice of legal counsel with respect
     to  any matter involving the Trust.  The Committee may  also
     from  time  to time employ agents and expert assistants  and
     delegate to them such ministerial duties as it may see  fit.
     In   the  event  that  the  Committee  does  delegate   such
     ministerial  duties,  it  shall  periodically   review   the
     performance  of  the person to whom these duties  have  been
     delegated.  The Committee members shall be reimbursed by the
     Corporation for all costs arising from the employ  of  legal
     counsel, agents and expert assistants pursuant to the  terms
     set forth at Section 8.2 hereof.


     Section  10.2.   Committee Compensation and  Expenses.   The
Committee members shall be entitled to such compensation and fees
for  their services under this Agreement as shall be agreed  upon
from   time   to  time  with  the  Corporation.   Likewise,   the
Corporation  shall  reimburse  the  Committee  members  for   any
expenses  incurred by them, including, but not  limited  to,  all
proper  charges and disbursements of the Committee  members,  and
reasonable  fees  for legal services rendered  to  the  Committee
(whether  or  not  rendered  in connection  with  a  judicial  or
administrative   proceeding).   Such   compensation,   fees   and
reimbursement shall be paid to the Committee members pursuant  to
the  terms  set  forth  at  Section 8.2  hereof.   The  Committee
members'  entitlement  to  compensation,  fees  or  reimbursement
hereunder shall not be affected by the resignation or removal  of
any  member or members of the Committee or the termination of the

     Section 10.3.  Indemnity of Committee.

          (a)   The Corporation hereby indemnifies and holds each
     member  of the Committee harmless from and against  any  and
     all   liabilities,  including  reasonable  fees  for   legal
     services  and other costs of litigation, to which each  such
     member  of  the  Committee may become subject  pursuant  to,
     arising out of, occasioned by, incurred in connection  with,
     or  in  any  way  associated with this Trust  or  Agreement,
     except for any act or omission constituting gross negligence
     or  willful misconduct of such member of the Committee.   If
     one  or  more liabilities shall arise, or if the Corporation
     fails  to indemnify such member of the Committee as provided
     herein,  or  both,  then  the Committee  member  may  engage
     counsel  of  the  Committee  member's  choice,  but  at  the
     Corporation's expense, either to conduct the defense against
     such  liabilities,  or to conduct such  actions  as  may  be
     necessary to obtain the indemnity provided for herein, or to
     take  both such actions.  The Committee member shall  notify
     the Corporation within fifteen (15) days after the Committee
     member  has  so engaged counsel of the name and  address  of
     such counsel.

          (b)   If  a  Committee  member  shall  be  entitled  to
     indemnification  pursuant  to this  Section  10.3,  and  the
     Corporation  shall  not  provide such  indemnification  upon
     demand,  the  Trustee  shall  satisfy  any  indemnity  to  a
     Committee  member pursuant to this Section 10.3 out  of  the
     assets  of  the Fund in full satisfaction of the obligations
     for  indemnity by the Corporation, and any legal  proceeding
     by  the  Committee member against the Corporation  for  such
     indemnification shall be in behalf of the Trust.

                           ARTICLE XI

     Section  11.1.   Governing Law.  This Trust is  created  and
accepted  in the State of Delaware.  All questions pertaining  to
the  validity or construction of this Agreement and the acts  and
transactions   of   the  parties  hereto  and  their   respective
successors shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the
State of Texas, except as to matters governed by Federal law.


     Section  11.2.  No Effect on Employment.  Nothing  contained
in this Agreement shall create, or be construed or interpreted to
create,  any  new or additional obligations on the  part  of  the
Corporation or its affiliates to retain any person in its  employ
or  interfere in any way with the right of the Corporation or its
affiliates to discharge any employee.

     Section  11.3.  Successors.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon,  and the powers herein granted to the Corporation  and  the
Trustee,  respectively, shall be exercisable by,  the  respective
successors and assigns of the Corporation and the Trustee.

     Section  11.4.  Severability.  Should any provision of  this
Agreement  be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction  to
be  unlawful  or  unenforceable,  such  determination  shall  not
adversely  affect  the remaining provisions  of  this  Agreement,
unless  it shall make impossible the maintenance or operation  of
the Trust for its intended purposes.  To the extent any provision
of  this Agreement is determined to be unlawful or unenforceable,
this  Agreement  shall  be construed to be  carried  out  to  the
fullest extent possible in a lawful and enforceable manner.

     Section  11.5.  Incorporation of Plan as Part of  Agreement.
The  Plan is expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof
with the same force and effect as if fully set forth.  A copy  of
the  Plan  as in effect on the date hereof is attached hereto  as
Exhibit A.  The Corporation shall deliver to the Trustee  a  copy
of all amendments to the Plan hereafter adopted.

     Section  11.6.   Execution in Counterparts.  This  Agreement
may  be  executed in any number of counterparts,  each  of  which
shall  be  considered  an  original and said  counterparts  shall
constitute but one and the same instrument.

     Section  11.7.   Effect  of  Divisions  and  Captions.   The
division  of  this Agreement into articles, paragraphs,  sections
and   subsections  and  the  use  of  captions  are  solely   for
convenience  and  shall have no legal effect  in  construing  the
provisions of this Agreement.

      Section  11.8.  Gender and Number.  Whenever the masculine,
feminine,  or  neuter  gender  is used  inappropriately  in  this
Agreement,  this  Agreement shall be read as if  the  appropriate
gender was used, and, unless the context otherwise requires,  the
singular shall include the plural, and vice versa.


     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the Corporation, the Trustee  and  the
Committee  have entered in to this Agreement as of the  Effective


                                AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.,
                                a Delaware corporation

Attest:                         By: /s/ Charles D. MarLett
                                Charles D. MarLett, Corporate Secretary


                                WACHOVIA BANK,
                                NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

Attest:                         By:


Attest:                         By: /s/ Gerard J. Arpey
                                Gerard J. Arpey

Attest:                         By: /s/ James A. Beer
                                James A. Beer

Attest:                         By: /s/ Jeffrey J. Brundage
                                Jeffrey J. Brundage

Attest:                         By: /s/ Gary F. Kennedy
                                Gary F. Kennedy

      SUBSCRIBED  AND SWORN TO before me, Sandra  Symanovich,  by
CHARLES D. MARLETT, this 15th day of September, 2005.

                                   /s/ Sandra Symanovich
                                   Notary Public

     SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by         , this    day of
September, 2005.

                                   Notary Public

      SUBSCRIBED  AND SWORN TO before me, Sandra  Symanovich,  by
GERARD J. ARPEY , this 15th day of September, 2005.

                                   /s/ Sandra Symanovich
                                   Notary Public

     SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, Sandra Symanovich, by
JAMES A. BEER, this 15th day of September, 2005.

                                   /s/ Sandra Symanovich
                                   Notary Public

     SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, Sandra Symanovich, by
JEFFREY J. BRUNDAGE , this 15th day of September, 2005.

                                   /s/ Sandra Symanovich
                                   Notary Public

     SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, Sandra Symanovich, by
GARY F. KENNEDY , this 15th day of September, 2005.

                                   /s/ Sandra Symanovich
                                   Notary Public

                           SCHEDULE  A

     The persons identified herein constitute the Participants of
the  Supplemental $uper $aver Plus Plan as of the Effective  Date
of the Trust.

Robert C. Cordes
Monte E. Ford
Susan B. Garcia
William T. Greene
Andrews O. Watson

                           SCHEDULE B

     The  individuals  designated herein constitute  the  initial
members of the Committee responsible for administering the Trust.

(1)  Gerard J. Arpey

(2)  James A. Beer

(3)  Jeffrey J. Brundage

(4)  Gary F. Kennedy

                                                 EXHIBIT A

                     AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.

                             AND THE



         Amended and Restated Effective October 15, 2002

                     AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.

                             AND THE



                        TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE I     NAME AND PURPOSE OF THE PLAN                        1

ARTICLE II    DEFINITIONS                                         1


              BENEFIT PLAN                                        6

              WITH THE $UPER $AVER PLUS PLAN                      7

ARTICLE VI    PAYMENT OF BENEFITS                                 7

ARTICLE VII   AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION                          10

ARTICLE VIII  GENERAL CONDITIONS                                 10

ARTICLE IX    FUNDING                                            12

ARTICLE X     TRUST                                              12

ARTICLE XI    ERISA RIGHTS                                       13

ARTICLE XII   CLAIMS PROCEDURES                                  14



                            ARTICLE I
                  NAME AND PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

     Section 1.1    Name and Purpose of the Plan

     This  Supplemental Executive Retirement Program for Officers
of  American  Airlines,  Inc. (the "Plan") provides  supplemental
retirement  benefits to selected officers of  American  Airlines,
Inc.   A separate Supplemental Executive Retirement Program  (For
Non-Officers)  provides certain supplemental retirement  benefits
to other key employees as designated by the Board of Directors or
the Chairman of AMR.

     Prior to January 1, 2001, the supplemental benefits provided
under   this  Plan  consisted  only  of  supplemental  retirement
benefits in excess of the maximum pension benefits payable  under
a  Participant's  Base Defined Benefit Plan  and  a  supplemental
retirement   benefit   based   on   a   Participant's   Incentive
Compensation and Performance Returns.  These continuing  benefits
are described in Article IV of the Plan.

       Effective  January  1,  2001,  certain  Participants,  who
participate  in  the $uper $aver Plus Plan, either  because  they
elected  to forego participation in a Base Defined Benefit  Plan,
or  because they were not eligible to elect to participate  in  a
Base  Defined Benefit Plan, shall be eligible to receive benefits
under  Article  V of the Plan, as set forth in this  amended  and
restated Plan.

                           ARTICLE II

     Section 2.1    Account.  A bookkeeping entry maintained  for
each  Active Funding Participant to reflect the amount of  Funded
Accrued  Benefit  contributed to the trust  on  account  of  such
Active Funding Participant.

     Section 2.2    Act.  The Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974, as amended.

     Section 2.3    Active Funding Participant
     A  Participant  who  currently  performs  active  duties  of
employment while a Participant pursuant to Section 3.1 and who is
vested  in a benefit under Article IV of this Plan, as of October
1, 2002.

     Section 2.4    AMR. AMR Corporation

     Section 2.5    Annual Defined Benefit Retirement Benefit.
The  amount  determined  by  subtracting the Base Defined Benefit
Plan  Benefit  from  the greatest of (i)  the  Base  Plan  Social
Security Offset Benefit, (ii) the Final Average Earnings Benefit,
or  (iii) the Basic Benefit.  If the Base Defined Benefit Plan of
a  Participant  is  the American Airlines, Inc. Pilot  Retirement
Benefit  Program,  the Annual Defined Benefit Retirement  Benefit
shall  be  the amount determined by subtracting the Base  Defined
Benefit Plan Benefit from the amount that would have been payable
under  the Base Defined Benefit Plan in the absence of  the  Base
Defined  Benefit Plan limits on compensation and  benefits  under
the Code, plus the Supplemental Incentive Compensation Retirement
Benefit   and  the  Supplemental  Performance  Return  Retirement
Benefit   (for   such   purposes  variable  benefits   shall   be


     Section 2.6    Average Incentive Compensation.  An amount
calculated as follows:

          (a)  The  sum  of  a  Participant's four highest  annual
     Incentive Compensation awards (or the sum of all such  awards
     if  the Participant  has  fewer than four such  awards)  paid
     to a Participant during the time period beginning on or after
     January 1, 1985, and ending on the first to occur of:

               (1)  the  Participant's actual retirement under the
          Base  Defined  Benefit Plan, or under $uper $aver if the
          Participant  is  not  participating  in  a  Base Defined
          Benefit Plan,

               (2)  the date of the Participant's death, or

               (3)  the date of the Participant's retirement.

     If  a Participant is credited with less than a full year  of
     Credited  Service  as a Participant in  any  year  in  which
     Incentive  Compensation  is  paid,  that  portion   of   the
     Participant's  Incentive Compensation  that  is  taken  into
     account  will  be  prorated based on  the  Credited  Service
     earned by the Participant for such year.

          (b)  Divide the sum determined in (a), above,  by  four
     (or  by  the  number  of  such awards if the Participant has
     fewer than  four such awards).

     Section 2.7    Average Performance Return.  An amount
calculated as follows:

          (c)  The  sum  of  a  Participant's four highest annual
     Performance Return awards  (or the sum of all such awards if
     the Participant has fewer than four such awards) paid to the
     Participant  during  the  Participant's career and ending on
     the first to occur of:

               (1)  the Participant's actual retirement under the
          Base Defined Benefit Plan, or under  $uper $aver if the
          Participant  is  not  participating  in  a Base Defined
          Benefit Plan,

               (2)  the date of the Participant's death, or

               (3)  the date of the Participant's retirement.

          (d)  Divide the sum  determined  in  (a), above, by four
     (or by the number of such awards if the Participant has fewer
     than four such awards).

     Section 2.8    Base Defined Benefit Plan. The defined benefit
retirement benefit plan (or plans) of the Company  which qualifies
under section 401 of the Code and under which certain Participants
covered under this Plan are  eligible to receive benefits.

     Section 2.9    Base Defined Benefit Plan Benefit.  The annual
benefit a  Participant or Beneficiary is entitled to receive  from
the Base Defined Benefit Plan  upon  retirement, disability, death
or termination of employment, subject  to the Base Defined Benefit
Plan  provisions  which  limit such benefit  to the maximum amount
permitted by the Code.


     Section 2.10   Base Plan Social Security Offset Benefit
    The annual amount of a Participant's or Beneficiary's benefit
under  any  "Social Security Offset Benefit," as defined  in  the
Base  Defined Benefit Plan, computed without regard to  the  Base
Defined  Benefit Plan limits on compensation and  benefits  under
the  Code,  plus  the  Supplemental  Incentive  Compensation  and
Performance Return Retirement Benefit.

     Section 2.11   Basic Benefit
    The annual amount of a Participant's or Beneficiary's benefit
under any "Basic Benefit," as defined in the Base Defined Benefit
Plan,  computed without regard to the Base Defined  Benefit  Plan
limits  on  compensation and benefits under the  Code,  plus  the
Supplemental   Incentive  Compensation  and  Performance   Return
Retirement Benefit.

     Section 2.12   Beneficiary
    A  person designated by a Participant who, as permitted under
the  terms of the Plan, is or may be entitled to a benefit  under
the  Plan  in the event of the death of the Participant.   If  no
Beneficiary  is  designated, or if the designated Beneficiary  is
not then living, benefits will be paid pursuant to Section 6.5.

     Section 2.13   Board of Directors
   The Board of Directors of AMR.

     Section 2.14   Code
   The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     Section 2.15   Committee
    The  administrative  committee  appointed  by  the  Board  of
Directors to manage and administer this Plan.

     Section 2.16   Company
   Any subsidiary of American Airlines, Inc. or any subsidiary of
AMR,  which  is  designated  for  inclusion  as  a  participating
employer in the Plan, as determined by the Board of Directors.

     Section 2.17   Credited Service
    The  term  "Credited Service" under this Plan  has  the  same
meaning  for  purposes of this Plan as it has in  the  applicable
Base Defined Benefit Plan.

     Section 2.18   Executive Deferral Plan.  The AMR Corporation
1987 Executive Deferral Plan, as amended.

     Section 2.19   Final Average Earnings Benefit
    The annual amount of a Participant's or Beneficiary's benefit
under  any  "Final Average Earnings Benefit," as defined  in  the
Base  Defined Benefit Plan, computed without regard to  the  Base
Defined  Benefit Plan limits on compensation and  benefits  under
the  Code,  plus  the  Supplemental  Incentive  Compensation  and
Performance Return Retirement Benefit.

     Section 2.20   Funded Accrued Benefit
   The  portion of the present value of the benefit under Article
IV  represented by a credit to a bookkeeping account of an Active
Funding Participant as a Funded Accrued Benefit in the Trust,  at
the discretion of the Committee.

     Section 2.21   Incentive Compensation
    Compensation  paid to a Participant on or  after  January  1,
1985,  in accordance with one of the incentive compensation plans
adopted  by  the Board of Directors or the Board of Directors  of
American Airlines, Inc., whether paid currently or deferred.  For
purposes  of  this  definition, long-term,  multi-year  incentive
compensation  plans  shall  not be  considered  to  be  incentive
compensation plans.


Section 2.22   Non-Active Funding Participant
    A  Participant who is not yet vested in a benefit under  this
Plan,  or who is on a Management Leave of Absence under  the  AMR
Mangement  Leave of Absence Policy or who is retired or otherwise
separated from employment.

     Section 2.23   Non-Funded Accrued Benefit
   The portion of the benefit under Article IV or under Article V
not represented by a credit to the Account of a Participant as  a
Funded Accrued Benefit.

     Section 2.24   Non-Officer SERP
   The Supplemental Executive Retirement Program for Non-Officers
of American Airlines, Inc.

     Section 2.25   Participant
    An individual who is participating in the Plan on October 15,
2002  shall  be  a Participant.  An elected officer  of  American
Airlines,  Inc.,  who is a participant in a Base Defined  Benefit
Plan  or  the  $uper $aver Plus Plan shall be a Participant.   An
individual who is an appointed officer of American Airlines, Inc.
or  a  designated officer of another Company may be a Participant
only  if (i) he or she is a participant in a Base Defined Benefit
Plan  or  the $uper $aver Plus Plan and (ii) is designated  as  a
Participant  by the Board of Directors or under a writing  signed
by the Chairman of AMR.

     Section 2.26   Performance Return
    Compensation  paid to a Participant pursuant to  a  specified
portion  of  career equity shares granted to the Participant,  as
determined by the Board of Directors.

     Section 2.27   Plan
    The  Supplemental  Executive Retirement Program  of  American
Airlines,  Inc., as amended.  The Plan may also  be  referred  to
herein  as  the  "SERP".   There  is  a  separate,  but  related,
Supplemental  Executive Retirement Program  for  Non-Officers  of
American  Airlines, Inc., for key employees who are not officers.
This  Plan features a supplement to defined benefit plan benefits
as  described in Article IV and a supplement to $uper $aver  Plus
Plan benefits, as described in Article V.

     Section  2.28   $uper $aver.  $uper $aver, a 401(k)  Capital
Accumulation Plan for Employees of Participating AMR  Corporation
Subsidiaries, which qualifies under sections 401(a) and 401(k) of
the  Code,  and under which certain Participants are eligible  to
receive benefits.

     Section 2.29   $uper $aver Plus Plan
   $uper $aver Plus, a Supplement to $uper $aver, which describes
a  program of employer contribution-provided benefits in addition
to those available under the regular provisions of $uper $aver.

     Section 2.30   $uper $aver Plus Plan Accout
   A bookkeeping entry maintained for each  Participant to record
the deemed contributions and earnings  credited  under  the  name
of  the Particpant pursuant to Article V.

     Section 2.31   $uper Saver Plus Plan Excess Contribution
   A contribution credited to the  Participant's $uper $aver Plus
Plan Account that is equal  to  the  total employer contributions
(exclusive of cash or deferred contributions under sections 401(k)
and  402(g)  of the Code) that would have been credited under the
Participant's  accounts  in the $uper $aver Plus Plan, based upon
the Participant's  elections under the $uper $aver Plus Plan, but
for the provisions of sections 401(a)(17), 415 and 402(g)  of the
Code   (or  any  Code  sections   replacing  such  sections  with
comparable  limitations).  Additionally, the credited $uper $aver
Plus  Plan  Excess  Contribution  shall  include  the amount that
would have been credited to the  Participant's  account under the
$uper $aver Plus Plan based  on  the  Participant's  contribution
rate election under  $uper  $aver if  Incentive  Compensation had
constituted compensation  subject  to  deferral under $uper $aver
and the $uper $aver Plus Plan.


     Section 2.32   Supplemental Incentive Compensation Retirement
    The  amount  determined by multiplying the Average  Incentive
Compensation by two percent for each year of Credited Service.

     Section  2.33    Supplemental  Incentive  Compensation   and
Performance Return Retirement Benefit
    The  difference  between the benefits  calculated  under  any
"Social  Security Offset Benefit" formula as defined in the  Base
Defined  Benefit Plan, including and excluding Average  Incentive
Compensation  and  Average  Performance  Return,  in  each   case
computed  without regard to the Base Defined Benefit Plan  limits
on compensation and benefits under the Code.

     Section 2.34   Supplemental  Performance  Return  Retirement
    The  amount determined by multiplying the Average Performance
Return by two percent for each year of Credited Service.

     Section 2.35   Trust
    The Trust Agreement Under Supplemental Retirement Program for
Officers of American Airlines, Inc. entered into between American
Airlines, Inc. and Wachovia Bank National Association.

     Section 2.36   Trustee
   Wachovia Bank National Association.

                           ARTICLE III

     Section 3.1   An individual who is participating in the Plan
on October 15, 2002. An elected officer of American Airlines, Inc.
who   is  participating  in a Base Defined Benefit  Plan  or  the
$uper $aver Plus Plan is a Participant in the Plan.  An appointed
officer  of  American  Airlines, Inc. or an  officer  of  another
Company  may  be a Participant only if he or she is a participant
in  a Base Defined Benefit Plan or the $uper $aver Plus Plan  and
is designated as a Participant by the Board of Directors or under
a  writing signed by the Chairman of AMR.  As provided in Section
8.5 with respect to Active Funding Participants, this Plan is  an
"employee pension benefit plan" (as defined in  section  3(2)  of
the  Act)  that  is  an "individual account  plan"  and  "defined
contribution plan" (as defined in  section 3(34) of the Act), and
as  to  all  other  benefits, the Plan is  a  plan  described  in
sections 201(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of the Act.  The Plan is
exempt  from Part 3 of Subtitle B of Title I of the Act  pursuant
to  section 301(a)(8) of the Act.


     Section 3.2  Any   Participant  in  this   Plan  who  was  a
Participant  prior to January 1, 2001, and who ceased to continue
to accrue service for benefits under  the  Base  Defined  Benefit
Plan  as  of  such date pursuant to an election to participate in
the  $uper $aver Plus Plan shall remain eligible for the benefits
accrued  under  Article  IV of the Plan for service prior to such
date.   No further accruals of service for benefits under Article
IV of the Plan shall occur, however, after the effective  date of
the Participant's  election  to  forego participation in the Base
Defined Benefit Plan.  Such Participants who forego participation
in the Base  Defined  Benefit  Plan  shall be eligible to receive
benefits determined under  Article IV with respect to service for
periods prior to January 1, 2001,  and/or  under Article V of the
Plan, for periods commencing on and after January 1, 2001.

     Section 3.3  Participants who continue to accrue service for
benefits in the  Base Defined Benefit Plan after January 1, 2001,
or who commence  participation  thereafter  and who do not accrue
benefits under  Article  V  of the Plan, shall continue to accrue
benefits as provided herein only under Article IV of the Plan.

     Section 3.4   A Participant who is elected as an officer and
later becomes a  non-officer  will have any SERP benefit pursuant
to Article V as an officer frozen (subject to adjustment pursuant
to Section 5.2 in the case of benefits under Article V) as of the
last date the Participant serves as an officer,  but such Account
shall  remain  payable  under  this  Plan.  In the event that the
Participant is not thereafter designated for participation in the
Non-Officer  SERP,  any  benefit  of  the  Participant subject to
Article IV shall be frozen as of the last  date  the  Participant
serves as an officer,  but  shall remain payable under this Plan.
In the event that a  Participant who is elected as an officer and
later becomes a non-officer  is  designated  for participation in
the Non-Officer SERP,  any  accrued benefit under Article IV that
is based on Incentive Compensation or Performance Return shall be
frozen  as  of  the  last  date  of  the Participant serves as an
officer, but shall  remain  payable  under  this  Plan,  and  the
remaining accrued benefit under  Article IV  shall be transferred
to the  Non-Officer  SERP  and  shall  be  a  part of the accrued
benefit under Article IV thereunder, without  causing duplication
of benefits.

                           ARTICLE IV

     Section  4.1    The Plan will pay an Annual Defined  Benefit
Retirement  Benefit  to a Participant who earned  benefits  under
this  Plan while participating in the Base Defined Benefit  Plan.
The   portion  of  any  such  Annual Defined  Benefit  Retirement
Benefit  that is satisfied on an after tax basis by a  credit  to
the Account for an Active Funding Participant shall be paid from,
and  credited against, the Participant's Account and paid through
the Trust.

     Section 4.2  If no benefit is payable under the Base Defined
Benefit Plan, then no benefit will be payable under Article IV of
the Plan.


                            ARTICLE V

     Section 5.1  If a Participant in this Plan is  participating
in the $uper $aver Plus Plan, the Committee shall credit annually
to the Participant's $uper $aver Plus Plan Account  a $uper $aver
Plus   Plan  Excess  Contribution,  at  the  discretion  of   the

     Section 5.2  In addition to the $uper $aver Plus Plan Excess
Contribution  provided  for  under this  Article  V  pursuant  to
Section  5.1, the Committee shall periodically, at such times  as
shall  be determined in its sole discretion, credit or debit,  as
the  case  may  be,  to  a Participant's $uper  $aver  Plus  Plan
Account, the earnings or losses that would have accrued  to  such
$uper  $aver  Plus  Plan Account if such $uper  $aver  Plus  Plan
Account  were  invested in the investment funds  elected  by  the
Participant for the investment of amounts credited to his or  her
accounts  in  the  Executive Deferral Plan  during  the  relevant
computation  period.  If the Participant for whom a  $uper  $aver
Plus Plan Excess Contribution under this Article V is credited is
not a participant in the Executive Deferral Plan, the Participant
will  be  required  to designate investment funds  (as  available
under the Executive Deferral Plan) for the purpose of determining
such credits and debits to the $uper $aver Plus Plan Account.  If
no  such  election is made, until the election is made the  $uper
$aver Plus Plan Account will be credited or debited as determined
by  the  Committee, in its sole discretion.  The  Committee  will
promulgate  procedures for changing such elections from  time  to
time as it shall determine, in its sole and absolute discretion.

     Section 5.3   If no benefit is payable under the $uper $aver
Plus Plan, then no benefit will be payable under Article V of the
Plan.   In  making  such determination, benefits attributable  to
contributions under $uper $aver, other than under the $uper $aver
Plus  Plan,  shall  be  disregarded.  The amount  of  any  Funded
Accrued  Benefit contribution under this Article V shall be  paid
to  the  Trust,  net of taxes, and credited to the  Participant's
Account.   Amounts  paid  to a Participant  on  account  of  this
Article   V  from  an  Account  shall  be  charged  against   the
Participant's $uper $aver Plus Plan Account.

                           ARTICLE VI
                       PAYMENT OF BENEFITS

     Section 6.1  Except as otherwise provided in this Article VI
and  in Sections 7.3 and 8.2, benefits under Article IV shall  be
payable  at  the  same time and in the same manner  hereunder  as
under  the Base Defined Benefit Plan.  Any benefit payable  under
Article  IV on account of the death of the Participant  shall  be
payable  pursuant to the Participant's benefit elections pursuant
to  Section  6.2; provided, however, that if the Participant  has
elected  a  Lump-Sum Payment under Section 6.4 and such  election
was  made and filed with the Committee or its delegate (at  least
twelve  months  prior  to death, in the case  of  any  Non-Funded
Accrued  Benefits) in the event of the Participant's death  prior
to being paid any benefits hereunder, notwithstanding anything to
the  contrary in Section 4.2, the Participant's Beneficiary shall
receive  the  Lump-Sum Payment within sixty days of the  date  on
which  the  Participant  would have  been  entitled  to  commence
receipt  of benefits, had he or she survived.  For such  purpose,
the  Participant  may designate a Beneficiary  for  the  Lump-Sum
Payment,  subject  to  the  designation procedures  specified  in
Section  6.3.   Funded Accrued Benefits shall be  paid  from  the


     Section 6.2   All  provisions  of  the  Base Defined Benefit
Plan and the Super $aver Plus Plan consistent with this Plan will
apply in determining the amount of benefits hereunder, including,
but  not  limited  to,  social  security offset provisions, early
retirement reductions, optional  forms of benefit, pre-retirement
surviving spouse's annuity, and spousal consent requirements.

     Section 6.3 Except as provided in Sections 6.1, 6.4 and 6.6,
Annual Defined Benefit Retirement Benefits under Article IV under
this Plan will  be  paid in monthly installments only, unless the
Committee in its sole discretion directs payment in another form.
The portion of the  Annual  Defined  Benefit  Retirement  Benefit
and/or  amounts  credited  under Article V that were satisfied by
amounts credited to the  Account of an Active Funding Participant
shall be paid from amounts credited to such Participant's Account
through the Trust.  A  Participant  entitled  to  benefits  under
Article  IV  may  elect  any  of  the  standard  forms of monthly
payments provided under the Base Defined Benefit Plan, subject to
Section 6.4, provided  that  if  a  lump-sum under Section 6.4 or
Section 6.6 is not payable,  the method selected must be the same
as that selected under the  Base Defined Benefit Plan, unless the
Committee directs otherwise.

     Section 6.4   In lieu of monthly payments pursuant to 6.3, a
Participant may elect to claim a lump-sum, one-time payment equal
to the present value  of  any  Annual  Defined Benefit Retirement
Benefits  to  be  paid  pursuant  to  Article IV of the Plan (the
"Lump-Sum Payment").  Such claim shall:

          (a)  be in writing,

          (b)  be in the form prescribed by the Company,

          (c)  be  addressed  to  the  Company's  Vice President,
     Human Resources, or successor, and

          (d)  shall be made by a Participant with respect to any
     Non-Funded  Accrued  Benefit at least twelve months (or such
     lesser  period  as  the  Committee  may  permit, in its sole
     discretion) before he or she commences payments, or one year
     before age sixty-five,  whichever  is the first to occur.  A
     lump-sum election may be made with respect to Funded Accrued
     Benefits at any time before retirement.

In  addition  to  the foregoing, the Participant must  execute  a
general  release and provide consent of spouse, if  married.   In
calculating  the  Lump-Sum Payment, the interest  rate  shall  be
equal to the applicable interest rate promulgated by the Internal
Revenue Service under section 417(e)(3) of the Code for the third
month preceding the Participant's retirement date.  The mortality
rate shall be the 1983 GAM male table for male Participants,  and
the  1983  GAM female table for female Participants.  A  lump-sum
election may be revoked if the Company is notified in writing (at
least  twelve  months prior to commencement of benefits,  in  the
case  of  Non-Funded Accrued Benefits).  No later election  of  a
Lump-Sum  Payment  may  be  made  after  such  revocation.   Upon
acceptance  of the lump-sum claim, the Lump-Sum Payment  will  be
paid  to  the Participant within thirty days of the Participant's
first receipt of benefits under the Base Defined Benefit Plan.


     Section 6.5    Benefits  under  Article V shall be paid in a
lump-sum equal to the $uper $aver Plus Plan Account balance,  net
of taxes.  Benefits under Article V paid to a Particpant from the
Trust  as  a  result of a credit to an Account shall be  credited
against  amount payable from the $uper $aver Plus  Plan  Account.
Notwithstanding Section 6.1, a Participant's election  under  the
$uper $aver Plus Plan to receive payment of $uper $aver Plus Plan
benefits in any form other than a lump-sum cash payment shall  be
ineffective with respect to accrued benefits under Article  V  of
this  Plan.  Payment of benefits pursuant to Article V  shall  be
made in a lump-sum cash payment as of the date on which any post-
separation benefit commences under the $uper $aver Plus Plan.   A
Participant  may  designate  a Beneficiary  or  Beneficiaries  to
receive  benefits  under Article V payable in the  event  of  the
Participant's death, if any.  Any such designation shall be  made
in the manner required by the Committee or its delegate.  If, for
any   reason,  there  is  no  surviving  designated  Beneficiary,
benefits will be payable to the parties who would be entitled  to
receive  such  amounts  if they were paid under  $uper  $aver  on
account of the Participant's death.  Such amounts will be paid in
a   lump-sum  within  sixty  days  following  the  date  of   the
Participant's death.

     Section 6.6  Upon a Change in Control or Potential Change in
Control  (each as defined in the 1998 Long-Term Incentive Plan of
AMR,  or  its  successor plan) with respect to AMR, a Participant
will receive  a  lump-sum,  one-time payment equal to the present
value of the remaining  Annual Defined Benefit Retirement Benefit
to be paid pursuant to  Article  IV  of  the Plan (and the entire
amount credited to his or her Account pursuant to  Article  V, if
applicable)  (the   "Change  in  Control  Payment"),  unless  the
Participant  elects  to  continue  to  receive previously elected
monthly payments.  Such an election shall:

          (a)  be in writing,

          (b)  be in a form prescribed by the Company,

          (c)  be  addressed  to  the  Company's Vice President,
     Human Resources, or successor, and

          (d)  shall  be  made  by  the Participant within thirty
     days following the Change in Control or the Potential Change
     in Control.

           The  Change  in Control Payment shall be  computed  by
assuming that payments under the Base Defined Benefit Plan  would
commence  at  the  earliest  possible  retirement  age  for   the
Participant,   assuming  that  the  Participant  separated   from
employment  as  of the Change in Control or Potential  Change  in
Control.   In  the event a Participant is not vested in  benefits
under  the  Base  Defined Benefit Plan, he shall nevertheless  be
deemed  to  have satisfied the vesting requirements of  the  Base
Defined  Benefit  Plan  (and of the $uper $aver  Plus  Plan)  for
purposes  of  computing  the amount  of  the  Change  in  Control

     Section 6.7    Prior  to  receiving  the  Change  in Control
Payment  attributable  to  the  Annual Defined Benefit Retirement
Benefit, the  Participant  may  be  required to execute a general
release  and  to  provide  consent  of  spouse,  if  married.  In
calculating  the  portion  of  a  Change   in   Control   Payment
attributable to an Annual Defined Benefit Retirement Benefit, the
interest rate  shall  be  equal  to  the applicable interest rate
promulgated by the  Internal Revenue Service under section 417(e)
(3) of the Code for  the  third  month  preceding  the  Change in
Control or Potential  Change  in  Control.   The  mortality table
used shall be the 1983  GAM  male  table  for  male Participants,
and the  1983  GAM  female  table  for female  Participants.  The
Change in Control Payments will be paid to the Participant within
sixty days following  the  Change  in  Control  or  the Potential
Change in Control.


     Section 6.8     In   the  event  the  Participant  has  any
outstanding debt with the Company, such as for payment of taxes,
the Company  or  the  Committee  may withhold or deduct from any
payments  to  be  made  to  the  Participant  under this Plan an
amount(s) equal to such outstanding debt.

                           ARTICLE VII

     Section 7.1   The  Board  of  Directors,  or such person or
persons,  including  the  Committee,  as  may  be  authorized in
writing  by  the  Board of Directors, may amend or terminate the
Plan at any time.

     Section 7.2    No such amendment or termination pursuant to
Section  7.1 shall adversely affect a benefit payable under this
Plan  with  respect to a Participant's employment by the Company
prior to  the  date of such amendment or termination unless such
benefit is or becomes payable under a successor plan or practice
adopted by the Board of Directors or its designee.

     Section 7.3    Notwithstanding  Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the
Plan,  no   changes   or  amendments  (including  pertaining  to
termination)  to  the  Plan  will be permitted after a Change in
Control or Potential Change in Control,  as  each of these terms
is defined in the  1998  Long Term Incentive Plan of AMR, or its
successor plan.

                          ARTICLE VIII
                       GENERAL CONDITIONS

     Section 8.1    The  right to receive benefits under the Plan
may not be anticipated, alienated, sold,  transferred,  assigned,
pledged,  encumbered or subjected to any charge or legal process,
and  if any attempt is made to do so or a person eligible for any
benefit  becomes  bankrupt, the interest under the  Plan  of  the
person  affected  may  be terminated by  the  Committee  and  the
Committee may in its sole discretion cause the same to be held or
applied for the benefit of one or more of the dependents of  such

     Section 8.2   Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 8.1,
upon  receipt  by  the  Plan of  a "domestic relations order" (as
defined in section 206(d)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act)  purporting to be
a  "qualified  domestic  relations  order" (as defined in section
206(d)(3)(B)(i) of the Act),  the  Committee  shall  review  such
order  using  the  domestic  relations order review procedures in
effect under the  Base  Defined  Benefit  Plan or $uper $aver, as
applicable   to   benefits   under   Article   IV   or  Article V
respectively.  Upon  the  determination that a domestic relations
order meets the  Plan's  requirements  to be a qualified domestic
relations order, the  "alternate payee"  (as  defined  in section
206(d)(3)(K) of the Act)  shall  be  eligible to receive benefits
payable  under  the  terms  of  the  qualified domestic relations
order.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  however,  an alternate
payee under a domestic relations order shall only  be eligible to
receive  benefits  from  the  Plan  when  the  Participant begins
receiving  benefits  from  the  Base Defined Benefit Plan (or the
$uper $aver Plus Plan, as applicable).


     Section 8.3    All questions pertaining to the construction,
validity and effect of the Plan shall be determined in accordance
with the laws of the United States and the State of Texas.

     Section 8.4    In the event of any act of  God, war, natural
disaster,    aircraft   grounding,    revocation   of   operating
certificate,  terrorism,  strike,  lockout,  labor dispute,  work
stoppage,  fire,  epidemic  or  quarantine  restriction,  act  of
government,  critical  materials  shortage,  or  any  other  act,
whether similar or dissimilar, beyond the control of the  Company
(each,  a  "Force Majeure Event"),   which  Force  Majeure  Event
affects  the  Company  or its Subsidiaries or its Affiliates, the
Board of Directors,  at  its sole discretion, may suspend, delay,
defer  or  substitute  (for  such  period of time as the Board of
Directors may deem necessary)  any  payments  due currently or in
the  future  under  the  Plan, including, but not limited to, any
payments that have accrued  to  the  benefit of a Participant but
have not yet been paid.

     Section 8.5    With  respect to Non-Funded Accrued Benefits,
this non-qualified plan shall be, and  is  intended to be, a plan
that  is  unfunded  and  maintained  by  the  Company  to provide
deferred  compensation to a select group of management or highly-
compensated  employees,  pursuant  to sections 201(2), 301(a)(3),
and  401(a) (1) of  the Act.   With  respect  to  Funded  Accrued
Benefits,  this  Plan  is  an  "employee  pension  benefit  plan"
described  in  section  3(2)  of  the  Act that is an "individual
account plan"  and  "defined contribution"  plan  as described in
section  3(34)  of  the  Act  that  is  not  subject to Part 3 of
Subtitle B of Title I of the Act,  pursuant  to section 301(a)(8)
of the Act.

     Section 8.6   American Airlines, Inc., is the sponsor of the
Plan  and  the  Committee  or  its  delegate  shall  be  the Plan
Administrator, and shall have authority to manage  the  operation
and administration of the Plan.  The  Committee may designate one
or  more  individuals  to  carry  out  any  of its administrative
responsibilities  in  connection  with the Plan.  The Company may
employ  one  or  more  persons  to render advice to any director,
officer  or  employee  of  the   Company  with  respect  to  such
individual's responsibilities under  the Plan.  The Committee may
act by majority vote of its members  at  a meeting or by a signed
writing.   The  Committee  may engage agents to assist it and may
engage legal counsel  who  may  be legal counsel for the Company.
All   reasonable   expenses   incurred   by  the  Committee.   In
administering the Plan,  the Committee may conclusively rely upon
the Company's payroll  and personnel records and employee benefit
plan records maintained in  the ordinary course of business.  The
Board of Directors  may  remove  any member of a Committee at any
time and a member  may  resign  by written notice to the Board of
Directors.   The Committee shall have the exclusive discretionary
authority to interpret and construe the terms of the Plan and the
exclusive  discretionary  authority to determine eligibility for,
and   the   amount   of,   all   benefits   hereunder.  Any  such
determinations  or  interpretations  of  the  Plan adopted by the
Committee  shall  be  final  and  conclusive  and  shall bind all


                           ARTICLE IX

     Section 9.1    The  Company  will pay the entire cost of the
Plan,  through  the  Trust,  directly  or  under  Section 10.2 as
applicable. Amounts payable to an Active Funding Participant will
first be paid from the Trust through  amounts  credited  to  such
Participant's  Account.  Any remaining amounts payable,  and  all
amounts payable to Non-Active Funding Participants shall be  paid
as  they  become  payable from the Company's  general  assets  or
through a trust established pursuant to Section 10.2.

                            ARTICLE X

     Section 10.1   The   Company   established   the   Trust, an
irrevocable trust   effective  October   15,  2002,  pursuant  to
the  Trust  Agreement  Under  Supplemental Retirement Program for
Officers of American Airlines,  Inc.,  to  fund  the  anticipated
after-tax distributions  of  Funded  Accrued Benefits  under  the
Plan,  as  determined  by  the  Committee  as of October 1, 2002.
Wachovia  Bank  National  Association  will  serve as the initial
Trustee of the Trust  and  will  hold  the Trust  assets  for the
purpose  of  accumulating funds to pay benefits under the Plan as
they  become due and  payable.  The Trust is a so-called "secular
trust" for Federal income tax purposes.  The assets of the  Trust
are not subject to the claims of creditors of the  Company or any
of its corporate  affiliates.  Moreover, the contributions to the
Trust and the  Trust's  earnings will generally be taxable income
to  Participants,  although  subsequent  distributions  from  the
already  taxed  amounts  will  be  made  to  Participants free of
Federal income tax.

     Section 10.2  To assist in the payment of Non-Funded Accrued
Benefits  following  a  Change  in Control or Potential Change in
Control (each as defined in the  1998 Long-Term Incentive Plan of
AMR,  or  its  successor  plan) with respect to AMR, the Board of
Directors  or  the  Company's  General  Counsel  or the Company's
Corporate  Secretary  may  establish  a  trust or utilize a trust
heretofore established, to fund Non-Funded Accrued Benefits under
the Plan.

     Section 10.3   The   trust   which  may  be  established  or
otherwise utilized pursuant to Section 10.2 will be maintained:

           (a)   with a nationally recognized banking institution
with experience in serving as a trustee for such matters,

           (b)  pursuant to such documentation as recommended  by
outside counsel to the Company, and

           (c)   funded so as to enable the trust to pay some  or
all  of  the Non-Funded Accrued Benefits contemplated  under  the
Plan,   as   may  be  determined  by  the  Company's  independent
compensation consultant, selected by the Company, in its sole and
absolute discretion.


      Section  10.4    In addition, the Board of  Directors,  the
Company's  General  Counsel or the Company's Corporate  Secretary
may take those additional actions deemed reasonably necessary  to
accomplish the stated purpose of Section 10.2.

                           ARTICLE XI
                          ERISA RIGHTS

     Section 11.1    As  a  Participant  in  any  Funded  Accrued
Benefits under the Plan, you are entitled to certain rights   and
protections   under   ERISA.  ERISA  provides   that   all   Plan
Participants shall be entitled to:

     Examine, without charge, at the Plan Administrator's office,
  all  Plan  documents,  including  copies of all documents filed
  with  the  U.S.  Department  of  Labor,  such as Summary Annual
  Reports (SARs) and a copy of the latest Form 5500 annual report
  filed  by  the  Plan  with  the  U.S.  Department  of Labor and
  available at the  Public  Disclosure  Room  of the Pension  and
  Welfare  Benefit Administration.

     Obtain  copies   of   all  Plan  documents  and  other  Plan
  information  including copies of the latest  Form  5500  annual
  report  and current Summary Plan Description (SPD) upon written
  request  to the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator  may
  charge a reasonable amount for the copies.

     Receive  a   summary of the Plan's annual  financial  report
  (SAR).  The  Plan  Administrator  is required by law to furnish
  each Participant with a SAR.

     Obtain  a statement telling you whether you have a right  to
  receive a pension at  Normal Retirement Age under the Plan and,
  if so,  what  the  benefit amount would be at Normal Retirement
  Age  if  you  were  to stop working now. This statement must be
  requested in writing and is not required to be given more often
  than once  a   year.  This  statement  must be provided free of

In  addition  to  creating  rights for Plan  Participants,  ERISA
imposes  duties  upon  the  people  responsible  for  the  Plan's
operation. The people who supervise the Plan's operation,  called
"Fiduciaries," have a duty to do their jobs prudently and  solely
in   the  interest  of  you  and  other  Plan  Participants   and
beneficiaries.  Fiduciaries who violate ERISA may be removed  and
required to make good any losses they have caused the Plan.

If  a  claim  for a benefit is denied or ignored in whole  or  in
part,  you  must receive a written explanation of the reason  for
the  denial.  You  have the right to have the Plan  Administrator
review  and reconsider the claim.  No one, including an  employer
or  any other person, may fire you or discriminate against you in
any way to prevent you from obtaining a benefit from the Plan  or
exercising your rights under ERISA.

Under  ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce  the  above
rights.  For  instance, if you request materials from   the  Plan
Administrator and do not receive them within 30 days, you may sue
in federal court. The court may require the Plan Administrator to
provide  the  materials and pay you up to $110 a  day  until  you
receive  the  materials  -- unless the materials  were  not  sent
because  of reasons beyond the Plan Administrator's control.   If
you have a claim for benefits that is denied or ignored, in whole
or  in  part, you may file suit in a state or federal court.   In
addition,  if  you  disagree with the  Plan's  decision  or  lack
thereof  concerning the qualified status of a domestic  relations
order, you may file suit in federal court.


If  the Plan's Fiduciaries misuse the Plan's money, or if you are
discriminated  against for asserting your rights,  you  may  seek
assistance  from the U.S. Department of Labor, or  you  may  file
suit  in  a  federal court. The court will decide who should  pay
court costs and legal fees. If you are successful, the court  may
order  the person you have sued to pay those costs and  fees.  If
you  lose  (i.e.,  if the court finds your claim frivolous),  the
court may order you to pay these costs and fees.

If  you  have  any  questions about the Plan,  contact  the  Plan
Administrator.  If there are  any questions about this section or
about  your  rights under ERISA, you should contact  the  nearest
office of the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration of  the
U.S.  Department of Labor listed in your telephone  directory  or
the  Division of Technical Assistance and Inquiries, Pension  and
Welfare  Benefits Administration, U.S. Department of  Labor,  200
Constitution  Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C 20210.  You  may  also
obtain    certain    publications   about   your    rights    and
responsibilities under ERISA by calling the publications  hotline
of the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration.

                           ARTICLE XII
                        CLAIMS PROCEDURES

     Section 12.1  A claim for retirement benefits under the Plan
must  be submitted to the Plan Administrator at the time  and  in
the manner prescribed by the Plan Administrator.

If the Plan Administrator determines that you are not entitled to
receive  all or part of the benefits you claim, a notice will  be
provided to you within a reasonable period of time, but no  later
than  90  days from the day your claim was received by  the  Plan
Administrator.   This notice (which will be provided  to  you  in
writing  by  mail  or  hand  delivery,  or  through  email)  will

      The Plan Administrator's determination;

      The  basis  for  the determination (along with  appropriate
  references to pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial  is

      A  description  of any additional material  or  information
  necessary to perfect the claim and an explanation of  why  such
  material is necessary, and

      The  procedure you must follow to obtain a  review  of  the
  determination, including a description of the appeals procedure
  and  your  right to bring a cause of action for benefits  under
  section 502(a) of ERISA. This notice will also, if appropriate,
  explain  how you may properly complete your claim and  why  the
  submission of additional information may be necessary.


In  certain instances, the Plan Administrator may not be able  to
make  a determination within 90 days from the day your claim  for
benefits   was   submitted.   In  such   situations,   the   Plan
Administrator,  in its sole and absolute discretion,  may  extend
the  90-day  period  for up to 180 days,  as  long  as  the  Plan
Administrator provides you with a written notice
within the initial 90-day period that explains:

      The reason for the extension, and

      The date on which a decision is expected.

     Section 12.2   If  your claim for benefits is denied, either
in  whole  or  in  part,  you may appeal the Plan Administrator's
denial by requesting a review of your claim by the Committee  (or
its  delegate).   Your  written  request  for  an  appeal must be
received by the Plan Administrator within 60 days of the date you
received  your  notice  that  the  Plan Administrator denied your

As  part  of  your  appeal,  you  may  submit  written  comments,
documents,  records and other information relating to your  claim
for  benefits.  You may also request reasonable  access  to,  and
copies of, all documents, records, and other information relevant
to  your claim. You will not be charged for this information. The
Committee's   (or   its   delegate's)   review   of   the    Plan
Administrator's adverse determination will take into account  all
comments, documents, records and other information you submitted,
without  regard  to  whether such information was  submitted  and
considered  in the Plan Administrator's initial determination  of
your claim.

If,  after reviewing your appeal and any further information that
you  have submitted, the Committee (or its delegate) denies  your
claim,  either  in  whole or in part, a  notice  (which  will  be
provided  to you in writing by mail or hand delivery, or  through
email)  will  be  provided to you within a reasonable  period  of
time, but not later than 60 days from the day your request for  a
review was received by the Plan Administrator. In the event  that
an   extension of time for processing is required,  you  will  be
provided a written notice of the extension not later than 60 days
from  the day your request for a review was received by the  Plan
Administrator.   In  such  situations,  the  Committee  (or   its
delegate), in its sole and absolute discretion, may extend the 60-
day  period for up to 120 days, as long as the Committee (or  its
delegate)  provides you with a written notice within the  initial
60-day period that explains:

     The reason for the extension, and

     The date on which a decision is expected.

The   notice  describing  the  Committee's  (or  its  delegate's)
decision will describe:

     The  specific  reason or reasons for its decision, including
  any adverse determinations;

     References to the specific Plan or Base Defined Benefit Plan
  or  $uper $aver Plus Plan provisions on which the Committee (or
  its delegate)  based its determination;

      Your  right  to receive, upon request and free  of  charge,
  reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents, records, and
  other information relevant to your claim;


      A  description of any voluntary appeals procedures, if any,
  and your right to obtain information about such procedures, and

      Your  right  to bring a cause of action for benefits  under
  section 502(a) of ERISA.

                          ARTICLE XIII

      Section  13.1   The Committee has the express authority  to
elect  the  actuarial  assumptions to  be  used  in  funding  any
benefits  payable under the Plan, to interpret any  provision  of
this  Plan and to determine, at its sole discretion, the  meaning
and  application of any such provision as to each  Paricipant  or
Beneficiary  under  the Plan, in accordance with  the  facts  and
circumstances of each particular claim.  Except for the right  of
a Participant or Beneficiary to appeal the denial of a claim, any
decision  or  action  of  the Committee, within  their  scope  of
authority,  shall be final and binding on all persons claiming  a
right  to  benefits under the Plan.  No benefit shall be  payable
that  the  Committee does not deem is payable under the terms  of
the Plan.

                           ARTICLE XIV

Plan Name:            The Supplemental Executive Retirement Program
                      (SERP) for Officers of American Airlines,

Plan Sponsor:         American Airlines, Inc.
                      4333 Amon Carter Blvd.
                      MD 5146
                      Fort Worth, TX  76155

Employer ID No.:      13-1502798

Plan Number:          888

Type of Plan:         As described in Section 8.5

Plan Administrator:   American Airlines, Inc.
                      4333 Amon Carter Blvd.
                      MD 5112
                      Fort Worth, TX   76155
                      Telephone:  817-967-3558


Legal Agent:          C T Corporation System
                      Registered Office
                      350 North St. Paul Street
                      Dallas, TX  75201

Trustee:              Wachovia Bank National Association

Trustee(s) Address:   Wachovia Bank National Association
                      Attn:  Executive Services
                      One West Fourth Street
                      Winston-Salem, NC  27150

Funding  Arrangement: Company Assets for Non-Funded Accrued Benefits
                      Trust for Funded Accrued Benefits

Plan Year:            January 1 to December 31



                         American Airlines, Inc.

                         By:              /s/ Charles D. MarLett
                         Name & Title:    Charles D. MarLett,
                                          Corporate Secretary


                                            EXHIBIT B

                      SUPPLEMENT NO. 9
                         $UPER $AVER
                      $UPER $AVER PLUS

                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS                                      1

     Section 1.1 Account                                   1
     Section 1.2 AMS Employee                              1
     Section 1.3 Choice Year                               1
     Section 1.4 Company                                   1
     Section 1.5 Default Election or Default               2
     Section 1.6 Election or Elect                         2
     Section 1.7 Election Period                           2
     Section 1.8 Eligibility Service                       2
     Section 1.9 Employer Contribution Account             2
     Section 1.10 Employer Matching Contributions          2
     Section 1.11 Five-Year Break in Service               2
     Section 1.12 Laid Off Reno Employees                  2
     Section 1.13 One-Year Break in Service                2
     Section 1.14 Pension Plan                             2
     Section 1.15 Pensionable Pay                          3
     Section 1.16 Restoration Account                      3
     Section 1.17 Restoration Amount                       3
     Section 1.18 Sabre Dual Retirees                      3
     Section 1.19 $uper $aver Plus                         3
     Section 1.20 Vesting Service                          3

ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY                                     3
     Section 2.1 Eligibility to Participate                3
     Section 2.2 Commencement of Participation             4

ARTICLE III CONTRIBUTIONS                                  5
     Section 3.1 Employer Matching Contributions           5

ARTICLE IV VESTING                                         5
     Section 4.1 Participant Vesting                       5
     Section 4.2 Crediting Vesting Service                 6
     Section 4.3 Forfeiture and Restoration of Non-Vested
     Benefits                                              6

     Section 5.1 Loans                                     8
     Section 5.2 Withdrawals                               8

               SUPPLEMENT NO. 9 TO $UPER $AVER
                      $UPER $AVER PLUS


     Effective  January  1,  2001, American  Airlines,  Inc.
("Company") establishes $uper $aver Plus for the benefit  of
its  eligible  AMS  Employees  pursuant  to  the  terms  and
provisions of this Supplement No. 9 to the Plan. $uper $aver
Plus is intended to supplement the provisions of, and form a
part of, the Plan with respect to eligible AMS Employees (as
hereinafter defined, but specifically including Employees of
the  Company who are classified as an "agent," "management,"
"specialist,"    "representative,"   "support    personnel,"
"officer,"  or  "non-union employee" and  excluding  regular
Employees  of any other Affiliated Company and Employees  of
the  Company who are not specifically included  or  who  are
covered  by  a  collective  bargaining  agreement)  and,  in
conjunction  with  the  other provisions  of  the  Plan,  to
constitute a qualified plan under sections 401(a) and 401(k)
of the Code. Therefore, except as provided otherwise in this
Supplement No. 9, $uper $aver Plus shall be administered  in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

                          ARTICLE I

     In  addition to the definitions set forth in the  Plan,
the  following  definitions, when used in  this  Supplement,
shall  have  the respective meanings set forth below  unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise:

     Section 1.1  Account means, in addition to the Accounts
described  in  Section  2.1  of the  Plan,  a  Participant's
Employer Contribution Account, maintained by the Trustee  or
the  Recordkeeper  reflecting  the  monetary  value  of  the
undivided  interest in the Trust Fund of  each  Participant,
each Former Participant and each Beneficiary attributable to
Employer Matching Contributions made pursuant to Super Saver
Plus on his behalf in accordance with Section 3.1 hereof.

     Section 1.2    AMS Employee means:

          (a)  a regular non-union employee of the Company,

          (b)  whose job is classified as agent, management,
specialist,  representative, support personnel,  officer  or
other non-union employee, and

          (c)   who  is paid on the Company's U.S.  payroll,
including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

     Section 1.3    Choice Year means a year in which an AMS
Employee   is  given  the  opportunity  to  choose   between
participating in $uper $aver Plus or the Pension Plan.


     Section 1.4    Company means American Airlines, Inc.

     Section 1.5    Default  Election or Default  means  the
decision  which will determine whether an AMS Employee  will
participate in $uper $aver Plus or the Pension Plan  in  the
event an Election is not made.

     Section 1.6    Election  or  Elect means an affirmative
choice made by an AMS Employee to participate in $uper $aver
Plus or the Pension Plan.

     Section 1.7    Election  Period means the 90 day period
in which an Election may be made.

     Section 1.8    Eligibility  Service  means  a  12 month
period of service with an Affiliated Employer, commencing on
the date  an Employee first performs an Hour of Service  for
an Affiliated Employer and, for each Plan  Year  thereafter,
commencing with first day of the Plan Year that includes the
first  anniversary of the date specified above, during which
the Employee performs at least the requisite number of Hours
of  Service  as determined under the Pension Plan  or  other
applicable plan. In the case of an Employee employed  as  an
American  Airlines  pilot  or an  American  Airlines  flight
attendant,  the  applicable plan is the  American  Airlines,
Inc.  Pilot  Retirement Benefit Program  or  The  Retirement
Benefit   Plan  of  American  Airlines,  Inc.   for   Flight
Attendants, respectively; and for an Employee represented by
the   Transport  Workers  Union  of  America,  AFL-CIO,  the
applicable  plan is The Retirement Benefit Plan of  American
Airlines, Inc. Employees Represented by the Transport Worker
Union of American, AFL-CIO.

     Section 1.9    Employer Contribution Account means  the
portion  of the individual Account maintained by the Trustee
or  the  Recordkeeper  for  each  Participant,  each  Former
Participant and each Beneficiary showing the monetary  value
of  the  person's  individual interest  in  the  Trust  Fund
attributable to Employer Matching Contributions.

     Section 1.10    Employer  Matching Contributions  means
contributions paid by the Company in accordance with Section
3.1 hereof.

     Section 1.11    Five-Year  Break  in  Service means any
five consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service.

     Section 1.12   Laid Off Reno Employees means the former
Reno Air employees who were laid off in July 2000.

     Section 1.13   One-Year  Break  in Service means a Plan
Year during  which an  Employee has  fewer  than  501  Hours
of Service.

     Section 1.14  Pension Plan means The Retirement Benefit
Plan  of  American  Airlines, Inc. for  Agents,  Management,
Specialists, Support Personnel and Officers.


     Section 1.15   Pensionable  Pay  means the compensation
used  to  determine  benefits  under  the  Pension  Plan and
Section 3.1 of this Supplement No. 9.

     Section 1.16   Restoration  Account means a sub-account
of   the   Employer   Contribution   Account   to  which the
Restoration  Amount  is  credited in accordance with Section
4.2(b) of this Supplement No. 9.

     Section  1.17   Restoration Amount means the non-vested
amount  previously  forfeited from  a  Former  Participant's
Account by reason of a distribution or deemed distribution.

     Section  1.18   Sabre Dual Retirees means the group  of
Employees employed by the Company and Sabre Inc. and defined
as  "dual retirees" within the administrative records of the
Pension Plan.

     Section  1.19   $uper $aver Plus means the  program  of
benefits under this Supplement No. 9 to the Plan.

     Section 1.20    Vesting Service means service described
in  Section  4.2  hereof  required  to  be  performed  by  a
Participant   to   enable   such   Participant   to   obtain
nonforfeitable  rights to Employer Matching Contributions in
accordance with Section 4.1 hereof.

                         ARTICLE II

     Section 2.1    Eligibility to Participate. Effective on
and after  January  1,  2001,  an AMS Employee  is  eligible
to receive Employer Matching Contributions  as described  in
Section 3.1 of this Supplement No. 9 if he has completed the
required  period  of Eligibility Service and  he  Elects  or
Defaults  to  participate in $uper $aver Plus in  accordance
with  the  terms  of  this Section 2.1. Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  an  Employer  Matching  Contribution   will   be
contributed  to  a  Participant's Employer Matching  Account
only to the extent provided in Section 3.1.

     (a)   Choice Year 2000.  All AMS Employees are entitled
to  choose to participate in $uper $aver Plus or the Pension
Plan as follows:

          (i)  AMS Employees Hired Prior to January 1, 2000.
     These  AMS Employees may Elect to participate in  $uper
     $aver Plus.  They will Default to participation in  the
     Pension Plan.

          (ii)  AMS  Employees Hired On or After January  1,
     2000.  These AMS Employees may Elect to participate  in
     the Pension Plan. They will Default to participation in
     $uper $aver Plus.

          (iii)     AMS Employees on Leave of Absence as  of
     December  31,  2000, with Right of Recall.   These  AMS
     Employees will be given an Election Period during which
     to  make  an Election upon their return from  leave  of
     absence.  The  Election Period shall  commence  on  the
     first  day  of the month following the month  in  which
     they return to work. They will Default to participation
     as described in (i) or (ii) above as applicable.


          (iv)  AMS  Employees Transferred  to  Non-Eligible
     Employment on or before December 31, 2000.   These  AMS
     Employees will be given an Election Period during which
     to  make an Election if they subsequently return  to  a
     position  as  an  eligible AMS Employee.  The  Election
     Period  shall  commence on the first day of  the  month
     following  the month of transfer. They will Default  to
     participation  as  described in (i) or  (ii)  above  as

     (b)   Choice Year 2001. Those Employees who in 2001 are
newly   hired  AMS  Employees  (including  Employees   whose
employment terminated prior to January 1, 2001 and who  were
reemployed  as  an  AMS  Employee  in  2001)  or   Employees
transferred  to positions as AMS Employees are  entitled  to
choose  to  participate in $uper $aver Plus or  the  Pension
Plan,  and  they  are eligible to receive Employer  Matching
Contributions  commencing after they  meet  the  eligibility
requirements and Elect or Default to participation in  $uper
$aver Plus as follows:

               (i)   Newly  Hired AMS Employees.  These  AMS
     Employees  may  Elect during their Election  Period  to
     participate in the Pension Plan. They will  Default  to
     $uper  $aver  Plus. Their Election Period commences  on
     the  first  day  of the month after completion  of  six
     months of service following the date of hire.

               (ii)  Employees Transferred to  Positions  as
     AMS  Employees.   Except as provided in (a)(iv)  above,
     these  AMS  Employees may Elect during  their  Election
     Period  to  participate in the Pension Plan. They  will
     Default  to  $uper  $aver Plus. Their  Election  Period
     commences  on the first day of the month following  the
     month of transfer.

               (iii)     Notwithstanding (b)(ii) above,  the
     following  employee groups may Elect to participate  in
     $uper  $aver Plus but they will Default to the  Pension
     Plan,  and their Election Period commences on the first
     day of the month following the month of transfer:

                    (A)  Sabre Dual Retirees

                    (B)  Laid Off Reno Employees

                    (C)    Employees  transferred   from   a
          position   covered  by  a  collective   bargaining

               (iv) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
     in  (b)(i), (ii), or (iii) above, once an AMS  Employee
     has  an  Election or a Default Election on  file,  that
     Election or Default Election will not be changed due to
     a subsequent return to a position as an AMS Employee.


     (c)  No other Employee of the Company or any Affiliated
Company is eligible to Participate in $uper $aver Plus.

     Section 2.2    Commencement of Participation.
Participation in $uper $aver Plus shall commence as soon  as
administratively  possible after the AMS Employee  satisfies
the  conditions of eligibility, including completion of  the
required  period  of  Eligibility  Service  and  making   an
Election or Default Election, in accordance with Section 2.1
hereof,  but  in no event shall such participation  commence
later  than  6  months after all such conditions  have  been

                         ARTICLE III

     Section 3.1    Employer Matching Contributions.

          (a)   Subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Plan,
including  the  restrictions and  limitations  contained  in
ARTICLE  VI and ARTICLE VII of the Plan, commencing  on  and
after  the Effective Date, the Company shall contribute  for
each Plan Year as an Employer Matching Contribution 100%  of
the  Employee  Before-tax Contributions  up  to  5.5%  of  a
Participant's  Pensionable Pay contributed to  the  Plan  on
behalf   of  such  Participant  as  an  Employee  Before-tax
Contribution.  For  purposes  of  this  Section   3.1,   the
determination   of   the  percentage  of   a   Participant's
Pensionable  Pay contributed to the Plan on behalf  of  such
Participant shall be made on a year-to-date basis.

          (b)   Employer Matching Contributions made to  the
Plan pursuant to this Section 3.1 generally shall be made as
soon  as administratively feasible following each pay  date,
and in no event later than the date described in Section 4.7
of the Plan.

                         ARTICLE IV

     Section 4.1    Participant Vesting.

          (a)   A  Participant's nonforfeitable interest  in
his  Employer  Contribution Account shall be  determined  as

 Years of Vesting Service      Vesting Percentage
       Less than 3                     0%
        3 or more                     100%

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained  in  this
Section  4.1,  amounts credited to a Participant's  Employer
Contribution  Account  shall become fully  vested  upon  the
occurrence, while employed by an Affiliated Company, of  any
of  the  following  events,  whether  or  not  he  has  then
completed  the  years of Vesting Service required  for  full

               (i)   the  Participant's  attainment  of  his
     Normal Retirement Date


               (ii)   the Participant's Disability; or

               (iii)  the Participant's death.

          (b)   The  value of a Participant's nonforfeitable
interest  in  his  Employer Contribution  Account  shall  be
determined as of the Valuation Date.

     Section 4.2    Crediting Vesting Service.

          (a)   For  purposes of Section 4.1, a  Participant
will  be credited with one year of Vesting Service for  each
Plan Year in which he completes 1,000 Hours of Service.  All
service  for  an  Affiliated Company  will  be  included  in
determining  such Employee's years of Vesting  Service.  The
Recordkeeper   may   establish  separate   subaccounts   for
Employees, or classifications of Employees, as necessary  to
calculate the vesting requirements of this $uper $aver Plus.

          (b)  Except as provided in the following sentence,
in the case of an Employee who terminates employment with an
Employer and who later resumes employment with the Employer,
years  of  Vesting  Service  prior  to  his  resumption   of
employment shall be credited to such Employee. However, if a
Participant did not have a nonforfeitable right  to  amounts
credited to his Employer Contribution Account at the time of
his  termination  of  employment with an  Employer  and  the
Participant  incurs  a  Five-Year  Break  in  Service,   his
employment  with an Employer after such Five-Year  Break  in
Service  shall not be taken into account in determining  the
Participant's  nonforfeitable  percentage  in  his  Employer
Contribution   Account   derived  from   Employer   Matching
Contributions that accrued prior to such Five-Year Break  in

          (c)  Solely for the purpose of determining a Five-
Year   Break   in  Service,  the  Plan  shall  credit   each
Participant  with  hours of service for  each  hour  in  any
customary period of work, during which the Participant is on
an unpaid leave of absence granted as such by an Employer or
a  parental  leave  of  absence,  but  only  to  the  extent
necessary  to  prevent a One-Year Break in Service,  and  in
accordance  with  applicable law and uniformly  administered
policy.  Persons on an unpaid military leave  shall  receive
hours of service credit for the period that their employment
rights are protected by law, to the extent required by law.

     Section 4.3    Forfeiture and Restoration of Non-Vested

          (a)   If a Participant terminates employment  with
an  Affiliated Company prior to the time he is fully  vested
in  amounts  credited to his Employer Matching Account,  the
non-vested portion of the Participant's benefits under $uper
$aver   Plus,  if  any,  shall  be  forfeited,  subject   to
restoration as provided in Section 4.3(c) hereof, as of  the
earlier to occur of:

               (i)   in the case where the Participant  does
     not receive a distribution of his entire vested Account
     balance, on the last day of the Plan Year in which  the
     Participant first incurs a Five-Year Break  in  service


               (ii)   immediately  upon   receipt   of   his
     distribution if the Participant receives a distribution
     of his entire vested Account balance.

          (b)   For purposes of this Section 4.2(c), if  the
vested  balance of a Participant's Employer Matching Account
is zero, the Participant shall be deemed to have received  a
distribution  of  such vested Account at  the  time  of  his
termination of employment. The forfeited amount shall remain
in  the Trust Fund and shall be applied first to restore the
Employer  Contribution  Accounts of Former  Participants  in
accordance  with  Section 4.3(c) and then to  reduce  future
Employer  Matching Contributions under $uper $aver Plus  for
the  Plan  Year  during  which the  effective  date  of  the
distribution  (or,  if applicable, the  Five-Year  Break  in
Service) occurs.

          (c)  In the case of a Former Participant whose non-
vested  Account  balance  was  forfeited  by  reason  of   a
distribution (or deemed distribution) to the Participant, if
such individual returns to employment with an Employer prior
to  incurring  a  Five-Year Break  in  Service,  the  amount
previously forfeited from such individual's Account shall be
restored  (unadjusted for any gains or losses)  as  part  of
such  individual's  Account  and  credited  to  an  Employer
contribution    sub-account,    hereinafter    called    the
"Restoration Account", if the Participant repays to the Plan
the full amount of the distribution prior to the earlier of:

               (i)  the Plan's termination, or

               (ii)  the  lapse of five years following  the
     Participant's  reemployment by the  Employer  (provided
     that the Participant must be an Employee at the time of

          (d)   A  Participant's forfeiture  incurred  as  a
result  of  a  deemed  distribution shall  be  automatically
restored  if the Participant returns to employment  with  an
Employer prior to the earlier of:

               (i)  the Plan's termination, or

               (ii)  his  incurring  a  Five-Year  Break  in

          (e)   As  of  the Valuation Date that  immediately
follows the repayment
described in Section 4.3(c), and prior to any allocation of:

               (i)   the  Trust  Fund earnings  pursuant  to
     Section 8.5 of the Plan,

               (ii)  forfeitures pursuant to Section  4.3(a)
     hereof or

               (iii)    Employer   Matching    Contributions
     pursuant   to  Section  3.1  hereof,  there  shall   be
     allocated  to the Participant's Restoration Account  an
     amount  (the  "Restoration Amount") of the  Trust  Fund
     equal  to  the amount of his previously forfeited  non-
     vested Account balance. The Restoration Amount shall be
     credited first against forfeitures arising for the Plan
     Year,  and  if  such forfeitures are not sufficient  to
     satisfy the Restoration Amount in full, the Restoration
     Amount shall be satisfied out of Employer contributions
     for  the  Plan  Year,  which  contributions  shall   be
     supplemented  for the Plan Year by an amount  equal  to
     such  remainder.  The Restoration Amount shall  not  be
     deemed an Annual Addition, as defined Section 7.2(a)(i)
     of  the  Plan,  or portion thereof for  any  Limitation
     Year.  The  Pension  Benefits Administration  Committee
     shall  give  timely notice to any rehired Employee,  if
     such  Employee is eligible to make a repayment, of  his
     right  to make such repayment before the expiration  of
     the periods specified above, and such notice shall also
     include  an  explanation  of the  consequences  of  not
     making such repayment.


                          ARTICLE V

     Section 5.1    Loans.    In   determining   the  amount
available to  a Participant for a loan under Section 11.2 of
the  Plan,  the   amount   of   the  Participant's  Employer
Contributions Account may be included with the Participant's
Employee  After-tax  Account,   the  Participant's  Employee
Before-Tax Contribution Account, Profit Sharing Fund Account,
Rollover Account  and  Prior Plan Account, if any, but  only
to the extent the Employer Contributions Account is vested.

     Section 5.2    Withdrawals.   No in service withdrawals
of  amounts  credited  to   Employer  Matching  Contribution
Accounts are allowed.

                                                                   Exhibit 12

                            AMR CORPORATION
           Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                             (in millions)

                                   Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                                      September 30,             September 30,
                                      2005     2004             2005     2004

Earnings (loss):
 Earnings (loss) before income
   taxes                             $(153)   $(214)           $(257)   $(374)

 Add:  Total fixed charges (per
       below)                          471      442            1,363    1,318

 Less:  Interest capitalized            12       22               59       60

   Total earnings (loss) before
      income taxes                    $306     $206           $1,047     $884

 Fixed charges:
   Interest, including interest
     capitalized                      $224     $207             $653     $613

   Portion of rental expense
     representative of the interest
     factor                            228      219              656      660

   Amortization of debt expense         19       16               54       45
     Total fixed charges              $471     $442           $1,363   $1,318

 Coverage deficiency                  $165     $236             $316     $434

                                                        Exhibit 31.1

I, Gerard J. Arpey, certify that:

1.  I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of AMR

2.  Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue
    statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
    necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances
    under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to
    the period covered by this report;

3.  Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other
    financial information included in this report, fairly present in all
    material respects the financial condition, results of operations and
    cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in
    this report;

4.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are
    responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and
    procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e))
    and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange
    Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:

    (a)  Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such
         disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our
         supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the
         registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
         us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in
         which this report is being prepared;

    (b)  Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or
         caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed
         under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
         reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial
         statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
         accounting principles;

    (c)  Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
         controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions
         about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as
         of the end of the period covered by this report based on such
         evaluation; and

    (d)  Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal
         control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
         most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in
         the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is
         reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal
         control over financial reporting; and

5.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have
    disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control
    over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit
    committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons
    performing the equivalent functions):

    (a)  All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the
         design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which
         are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to
         record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

    (b)  Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
         other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's
         internal control over financial reporting.

Date:  October 21, 2005        /s/ Gerard J. Arpey
                               Gerard J. Arpey
                               Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
                                                    Exhibit 31.2

I, James A. Beer, certify that:

1.  I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of AMR

2.  Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue
    statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
    necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances
    under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to
    the period covered by this report;

3.  Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other
    financial information included in this report, fairly present in all
    material respects the financial condition, results of operations and
    cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in
    this report;

4.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are
    responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and
    procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e))
    and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange
    Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:

    (a)  Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such
         disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our
         supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the
         registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
         us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in
         which this report is being prepared;

    (b)  Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or
         caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed
         under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
         reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial
         statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
         accounting principles;

    (c)  Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
         controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions
         about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as
         of the end of the period covered by this report based on such
         evaluation; and

    (d)  Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal
         control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
         most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in
         the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is
         reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal
         control over financial reporting; and

5.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have
    disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control
    over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit
    committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons
    performing the equivalent functions):

    (a)  All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the
         design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which
         are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to
         record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

    (b)  Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
         other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's
         internal control over financial reporting.

Date:  October 21, 2005        /s/ James A. Beer
                               James A. Beer
                               Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Exhibit 32
                            AMR CORPORATION
       Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
   (Subsections (a) and (b) of Section 1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18,
                          United States Code)

Pursuant   to  section  906  of  the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act   of   2002
(subsections  (a) and (b) of section 1350, chapter 63  of  title  18,
United  States  Code),  each  of  the  undersigned  officers  of  AMR
Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the  Company),  does  hereby
certify, to such officer's knowledge, that:

The Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,
2005  (the  Form  10-Q)  of  the  Company  fully  complies  with  the
requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of  1934  and information contained in the Form 10-Q fairly presents,
in  all  material respects, the financial condition  and  results  of
operations of the Company.

Date:  October 21, 2005        /s/ Gerard J. Arpey
                               Gerard J. Arpey
                               Chairman, President and Chief Executive

Date:  October 21, 2005        /s/ James A. Beer
                               James A. Beer
                               Senior Vice President and Chief Financial

The  foregoing  certification is being furnished solely  pursuant  to
section  906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (subsections  (a)  and
(b)  of section 1350, chapter 63 of title 18, United States Code) and
is  not  being  filed  as  part of the Form 10-Q  or  as  a  separate
disclosure document.